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Investor Presentaiton

FIG 2018 ISTANBUL XXVI FIG Congress 2018 6-11 May 2018 ISTANBUL EMBRACING OUR SMART WORLD WHERE THE CONTINENTS CONNECT: ENHANCING THE GEOSPATIAL MATURITY OF SOCIETIES GIS Policy Implementation and Assessment for Flood Risk A phased approach to implementation allows the necessary time to gather first-hand information about the assessment of flood Risk characteristics of (Cross River State) of the study area, personnel and cultural norms so that the delivered solution be tailored appropriately. Therefore, for phases of implementation were considered as shown in table. ORGANISED BY MAIN SUPPORTERS FIG T.C. せ PLATINUM SPONSORS CEVRE VE ŞEHİRCİLİK BAKANLIĞI Desri Leica Trimble. Tapu ve Kadastro THE SCIENCE OF WHERE Cal Geosystems
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