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Investor Presentaiton

erja Nasional engelola Dana Lingkungan Hidup 022 Bersama untuk Pendanaan Lingkungan Hidup Berkelanjutan MAYER MENTER PADA RAPAT 5.11 Environmental Funding Indonesia's commitment in climate action and environmental protection is carried out in the form of policies and concrete actions. Field activities are implemented by environmental rehabilitation, tree planting, large-scale nursery establishment, mangrove planting, wildlife habitat management, peatland restoration, ecosystem replication, etc. Regarding those efforts, the Government Regulation No. 46 of 2017 on Environmental Economy Instruments is purposed as a set of economy policies to encourage central government, local government and individuals towards environmental preservation. Furthermore, the Environmental Fund Management Agency (BPDLH) has been established by the Presidential Regulation No. 77 of 2018 on Environment Fund Management and the Finance Ministerial Regulation No. 137 of 2019 on Organization and Work Procedures of BPDLH. The presence of BPDLH meets the funding needs to implement Indonesia's commitment in climate action and environmental protection, in particular Indonesia's FOLU Net Sink 2030. To support Indonesia's FOLU Net Sink 2030, a minimum investment of 14 billion US dollars is needed for four main activities, namely halting deforestation and forest degradation, establishing plantation forests, enhancing carbon stock including mitigation actions in sustainable forest 122 Minister Siti Nurbaya highlights the importance of local governments, through the improvement of the role and capacity of local governments as benefactors and collaborators in environmental fund management. Collaboration between local governments and ministries/institutions as the stakeholders is necessary to internalize programs and implementation by the financial support from the Indonesian Environment Fund. (Jakarta, 21 December 2022) management, and restoring and managing peatland ecosystems. The BPDLH raises environmental protection funds systematically coming from public and private funds in the country and at international level; that includes support from bilateral cooperation, international institutions, the private sector, and philanthropy under blended-finance mechanism. The supply orientation will cover small grant activities, green investment and capacity building for community and government officials. The Government gives an assurance that all funds invested by partners to BPDLH will be managed in effective, transparent and accountable manners. By December 2022, the BPDLH has managed the funds of 968.6 million US dollars. 88 88 ே bodih Rapat Kerja Nasional Badan Pengelola Dana Lingkungan Hidup Tahun 2022 bpdlh Penguatan Aksi Bersama untuk Pendanaan Lingkungan Hidup Berkelanjutan 21 Desember 2022, AH Maramis At the opening of the 2022 National Working Meeting of the Indonesian Environment Fund, President Joko Widodo emphasizes that the fund from the Indonesian Environment Fund (BPDLH) shall be allocated to concrete activities related to environment. According to the President, there are a lot of environmental activities that need to be carried out, from waste issues, animal conservation, flora conservation, mangrove rehabilitation, tropical rainforest rehabilitation, to peatland restoration. (Jakarta, 21 December 2022) D 89
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