Sustainable Social Economic Empowerment slide image

Sustainable Social Economic Empowerment

Driving 8 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS Sustainable Business: ESG Integration As a leading financial institution, our sustainability agenda is deeply embedded into our core business, allowing us to offer financial services in a responsible & sustainable manner. Our approach therefore aims to balance economic, social, environmental & governance pillars to harness sustainable opportunities and manage risk. We have adopted the Kenya Bankers Association Sustainable Finance guiding principles and minimum standards in totality. Sfi economic. social. environment. Sustainable Finance Initiative ECONOMIC "We create channels for sustainable economic opportunity by ensuring strong financial performance and financial inclusivity" SOCIAL "The bank operates as a responsible corporate citizen by investing in staff welfare, co- operatives sector support & community engagement. ENVIRONMENTAL "We run our business in a way that ensures that our growth is sustainable in the long term and leaves minimal adverse impact on natural resources and the environment for the future generations." GOVERNANCE "Sustainability through Policy and Governance in Co-op Bank is deep rooted and is driven from the Board level Strategic theme no.6: To operate as a good corporate citizen
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