Nova Realidade Covid-19 após 1 ano
New reality
| New Laws and Regulations
General Telecommunications Law (LGT)
In December 2019, President Jair Bolsonaro sanctioned the
new text of the General Telecommunications Law (LGT). The
rules in force so far had not changed since 1997.
Fundamental principles:
• The guarantee of access to telecommunications for the
entire population, at adequate prices and quality;
⚫ The freedom of choice for consumers, who should have the
greatest access to information and access to the service by
them, should not be discriminated against by service
• Consumers have the right to respond to complaints and
repair their lines of communication by providers;
• Public authorities need to encourage the expansion of
communications networks;
• Strengthening the regulatory role of the State in the sector;
• Public authorities have a duty to encourage competition and
diversity in the provision of telecommunications services.
The General Data Protection Law entered
into force on September 18, 2020 and
regulates the processing of personal data
by public and private companies. With
this, any company that includes in its
database information about its
customers, no matter how basic it is -
such as name and email-, must follow
the procedures of the new law.
Due Diligence, data security, governance,
certification and auditing are among .
• Controversial topic boosted by the
proximity of the end of concession
Main Changes:
• Review of new investments in broadband
• New calculation of reversible assets" of the
concessionaires and that would revert to the
Federal Government
• Authorization to create a secondary spectrum
market, in which private companies may sell
or lease frequencies
• Fixed telephony commercial offers in areas
without competition
• Allows for successive renewals, by the same
operator of frequencies.
2021 KPMG Auditores Independentes Ltda., a Brazilian limited liability company and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International
Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved. BD210890
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