KASIKORNBANK Cyber Security and Financial Services Update slide image

KASIKORNBANK Cyber Security and Financial Services Update

K KASIKORNTHAI KBank Sustainable Development Journey Bank of Sustainability ธนาคารกสิกรไทย 开泰银行 KASIKORNBANK KASIKORNBANK conducts business with the principles of a Bank of Sustainability, supported by good corporate governance principles, as well as appropriate risk and cost management. We strive to balance economic, social, and environmental dimensions to achieve goals and create sustainable long-term returns. The philosophy of sustainable development is instilled in all our operations as part of our Green DNA, ensuring maximum benefit for all stakeholders and paving the way for sustainable growth. KBank Sustainable Development Journey CSR after process CSR in process SD Policy Human Right Policy BOT & TBA Responsible Lending 2010 2012 SD Report 2014 SD Policy ESG credit policy Net Zero Commitment Decarbonization PCAF 2016 2019 2020 2021 Human Right Due Diligence Carbon Neutral Scenario Analysis UN PRB TCFD* UN PRI Pride of KBank 2022 UN Global Compact Net Zero INTERNATIONAL = Bloomberg The first Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index (GEI) member from Thailand. The Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index (GEI) distinguishes companies committed to transparency in gender reporting and advancing women's equality for five consecutive years (2019-present) A member of the FSTE4Good Emerging Index for six consecutive years (2016-present) KBank's Leadership Level rating is FTSE4Good MSCI at AA for its ESG performance among emerging market banking sector peers +CDP A LIST 2022 CLIMATE Dow Jones The first Thai commercial bank with CDP A List (Leadership Level) in Climate Change, assessed by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) The first and only commercial bank in Thailand and ASEAN selected as a Sustainability Indices member of the DJSI World Index and DJSI Emerging Markets Index for seven consecutive years (2016- present) Top 1% 86/100 KBank was ranked in the top 5% of the S&P Global ESG Score 2022 for the banking industry with score of 86/100 in the S&P Corporate Sustainability Assessments 2022 NATIONAL THS SUSTAINABILITY INVESTMENT 2022 ESG100 Level rating is "AAA" of SET ESG Rating 2023 Included in Thailand Sustainability Investment (THSI) for seven years (2015, 2017-2022) carton ESG 100 certificate 2022 (Certified by Thaipat Institute) BEST An Excellence award under The Low LCSB Carbon and Sustainable Business Index (LCSI) award (2021-2022) Sustainability Disclosure Award 2022 granted by Thaipat Institute The first and only commercial bank in Thailand granted Carbon Neutral Certification (2018-2022) SET Sustainability Awards granted by the Stock Exchange of Thailand - Best in Sustainability Awards (2022) and Highly Commended in Sustainability Awards for three years (2018-2019,2021). *For more information on KBank Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), please see our Sustainability Report or visit our website at www.kasikornbank.com บริการทุกระดับประทับใจ 113 K KASIKORNTHAI KBank Net Zero Commitment Net Zero in OUR OWN OPERATIONS (Scope 1 & 2) by 2030 Net Zero in OUR FINANCED PORTFOLIO (Scope 3) In Line With Thailand's Aspirations*, Accelerating This Journey Where Possible NET ธนาคารกสิกรไทย 开泰银行 KASIKORN BANK Allocation at least 100-200 Billion Baht In Sustainable Financing and Investment By 2030 Commitment Supporting Customers In the Transition to A Net Zero Economy Thailand's ambition at COP26: 2050 carbon neutrality and 2065 Net Zero GHG Emission KBank's Board of Directors has resolved to announced the Bank's Net Zero Commitment on 29 October 2021, as follows: > KBank aims to empower every customer's life and business. We support our customers in the transition to a net zero economy. Sustainability is deeply ingrained in how we serve our customers and manage our operations. A We are committed to supporting Thailand and our clients in regional economies on their decarbonization journeys. We will contribute to the global effort to transition to net zero emission by 2050* and will align with the Paris Agreement goals. We are committed to be the leading sustainable bank in Thailand, allocating at least Baht 100-200 billion in sustainable financing and investment by 2030 and pioneering green banking products. We commit to becoming net zero in our own operations (Scope 1, 2) by 2030. We commit to achieving net zero in our financed portfolio in line with Thailand's aspirations, accelerating this journey where possible. We will continually assess opportunities to take earlier actions as the technology, regulatory environment and external context evolves. * Net zero emission by 2050 is the global effort to transition to net zero emission, aligning with the Paris Agreement goals. However, KBank commit to achieving net zero in our financed portfolio in line with Thailand's aspirations, accelerating this journey where possible. บริการทุกระดับประทับใจ 114
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