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Investor Presentaiton

Outcomes & Patient Satisfaction Patient Satisfaction 94.6% of patients were 'satisfied overall' with their most recent visit 94.9% of patients would be 'extremely likely' or 'likely' to recommend 97.3% of patients expressed satisfaction with the doctors 95.0% of patients expressed satisfaction with the nurses 98.4% of patients expressed satisfaction with the cleanliness 3 of the top 5 hospitals nationally in NHS 'friends and family test' were Ramsay Hospitals i Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMS) 4 of the top 25 hospitals nationally for health gain on the Oxford PROM for hip replacement were Ramsay hospitals #1 a Ramsay hospital achieved the highest score nationally on the EQ-5D PROM for hip replacement 6 of the top 50 hospitals nationally for health gain on PROMS for groin hernia were Ramsay hospitals (incl. 3 in top 15) ICHOM Patient reported outcomes following treatment for Cataracts 14 Ramsay Health Care People caring for people
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