Q4 & FY22 - Investor Presentation slide image

Q4 & FY22 - Investor Presentation

Q4 & FY22 - Microfinance “Namra” Performance Update Particulars (INR Mn) Q4 FY22 Q4 FY21 YoY (%) FY22 FY21 YoY (%) Asset Under Management 10,220 6,431 59% 10,220 6,431 59% Disbursements 2,795 2,297 22% 8,401 4,176 101% ܀ ܀ A Q4 FY22 MFI AUM stood at INR 10,220 Mn - higher by 59% vis-à- vis last year . Active MFI Customer base stood at 4.01 Lakhs in Q4 FY22. Added more than 74,000 new customers in Q4 FY22. Disbursements grew by 22% with opening of new, along with increase in ticket size of second cycle borrowers Gross Total Income increased by 66% YoY to INR 428.1 Mn due to higher average AUM ❖ Similarly, Net Total Income increased by 113% YoY to INR 353.6 Mn * Income from Operations 559.4 336.1 66% 1,729.0 1,357.3 Other Income 0.0 0..0 Gross Total Income 559.4 336.1 66% 0.15 1,730.4 0.02 27% 607% 1,357.5 Finance Costs 205.8 170.5 21% 728.6 612.2 27% 19% Net Total Income (NTI) 353.6 165.6 113% 1001.8 745.3 34% Employee Benefits Expenses 82.0 60.1 36% 290.5 239.0 22% Depreciation and Amortisation 3.1 1.8 76% 8.5 7.1 20% Other Expenses 38.4 25.6 50% 131.0 85.9 53% Pre-Provision Operating Profit 230.0 78.1 194% 571.7 413.3 38% Total Provision & Write-offs 98.1 76.9 28% 300.0 366.7 -18% Profit After Tax 97.7 8.5 1044% 184.5 49.1 276% ܀ ܀ Profit After Tax increased sharply to INR 97.7 Mn in Q4FY22 compared to INR 8.5 Mn in Q4FY21 on the back of strong growth of loan portfolio and better operational efficiencies Provisions & write off for the quarter increased by 28% YoY to INR 98.1 Mn Strengthened provision coverage by prudently earmarking INR 44 Mn for provisions in this quarter. Additionally, the company also took an aggressive write-off of INR 53.7 Mn. Cumulative total ECL Provisions as on 31st March 2022 were INR 471 Mn covering 5.0% of the total AUM. GNPA % 3.7% 4.1% (44 bps) 3.7% 4.1% (44 bps) NNPA % 0.6% 0.6% 3 bps 0.6% 0.6% 3 bps Return on Avg. AUM % 4.2% 0.6% 359 bps 2.6% 0.8% 179 bps Return on Avg. Equity % 25.0% 2.8% 2217 bps 13.1% 4.2% 890 bps ❖ Repayment rates has been steady and healthy at 95% during the quarter and reached 98% in March 2022 Note: Income from Operations includes: Interest Income on loans and managed assets; processing fees, and other charges in respect of loans. Other Income includes capital gains on liquid funds NIM = NTI / Avg. AUM (On + Off-Book); Yields = Gross Interest Income / Avg. AUM (On + Off-Book); Cost-to-Income Ratio = Opex (excl. provisions) / Net Total Income; RoE = PAT/Avg. Equity; GNPA % = GNPA / AUM (On + Off-Book); NNPA % = NNPA / AUM (On + Off-Book); NIM %. RoE and Return on Avg. AUM figures are annualized 11
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