FY23 Full-Year Results Presentation slide image

FY23 Full-Year Results Presentation

Regis Healthcare Limited | FY23 Full-Year Results Presentation Financial Summary $ millions Revenue from services Other income1 Staff expenses Underlying EBITDA² NPATA² Net operating cash flow Net RAD cash inflow FY23 FY22 ▲ FY22 to FY23 780.6 725.3 117.0 71.6 7.6% 63.4% 591.2 550.4 7.4% 83.3 78.1 6.7% ► Revenue from services benefitted from improved occupancy, new AN-ACC funding model from 1 October 2022, and additional resident funding Average occupancy improved from 89.8% to 91.5%³ Other income included imputed income on RADS per AASB 16 of $62.9 million, Government grant income of $32.5 million and gains on disposal of non-current assets of $11.7 million ► Increase in staff expenses due to: • Continued workforce shortages leading to increased agency and overtime 28.5 3.9 630.8% 105.2 114.8 43.6 83.9 (8.4%) (48.0%) • EA and Award wage increases Capital expenditure 53.5 48.6 Net debt 6.0 102.9 Average occupancy %³ 91.5% 89.8% Staff expenses / revenue from services % 75.7% 75.9% 10.1% (94.2%) 1.7 pts (0.2 pts) Basic EPS (cents per share) (9.47) (12.90) Care Minutes - FY23 Registered Nurses Enrolled Nurses/ Personal Care Workers Total Q1 Q2 Q3 29.9 30.4 29.4 Q44 32.5 135.4 139.6 143.3 146.3 165.3 170.0 172.7 178.8 Recruitment of frontline staff to address Government care minute mandate ► Net operating cash flow of $105.2 million included net RAD cash inflow of $43.6 million Net cash flows from operating activities before RADS increased 145% to $60.2 million Capital expenditure of $53.5 million (FY22: $48.6 million) included $15.0 million purchase of development land in Carlingford, NSW, refurbishment, and strategic technology investment Net debt down 94.2% to $6.0 million following strong cash generation and the rationalisation of non-income producing assets Regis' care minutes have improved each quarter as the Company has repurposed roles to direct care, decentralised certain support roles and invested in additional aged care workers Regis is well placed to meet mandated targets for personal care workers Given global shortage of nurses, Regis has invested in initiatives to attract a greater number of registered nurses, including expansion of recruitment capability, providing enhanced career pathways, and working with various partners to recruit candidates ¹Includes $62.9 million of imputed income on RADS and Bonds (FY22: $62.4 million) 2Refer page 29 for definitions of Non-IFRS financial measures 3Based on FY23 average available operational places of 6,980 (FY22: 7,056) 4As submitted to DHAC - 4 August 2023 -8- regis healthcare
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