Celebrating 10 Years at BM&FBOVESPA slide image

Celebrating 10 Years at BM&FBOVESPA

GOAL STAKEHOLDER To develop a virtual training module about diversity, achieving 100% of employees. Employees To implement the fourth 2015 PERFORMANCE 2016 COMMITMENT GOAL ACHIEVED Throughout 2015, the focus of activity of the SOMAR project (Diversity) was the inclusion of people with disabilities. For it to be successful, awareness of leaders and monitor of the integration process with work teams were conducted. Given the on the job training methodology, only employees that actually received these new colleagues in their work units were trained. Concluded. STAKEHOLDER 2015 PERFORMANCE goals monitoring 2016 COMMITMENT To support, through the Rede Parceria Social, the 29 projects selected in 2014, expected to begin in January 2015. To launch a request for proposal focused on the Bom Jesus Community. Community and social organizations Administrative suppliers ACHIEVED | 29 projects were supported, which ended with the rendering of accounts to the State Government in December 2015. The request for proposal was launched in the second half of 2015, giving preference to projects developed in the Bom Jesus Community. ACHIEVED | 99% of suppliers with revenues above R$ 500 thousand in the last 12 months, with at least one approved competitor. To execute, in partnership with the State Government Program - Rede Parceria Social - the new social and economic project, through funding and monitoring of 10 social organizations located in Porto Alegre and Greater Porto Alegre, preferably in the Bom Jesus neighborhood, to encourage women's entrepreneurship and income generation development. Completed. This control will continue to be done by the Administrative Supplier Management's Governance cell, but not as an official Goal. phase of the project for greater absorption of the store processes and consolidation of administrative processes. Through evaluation of opportunities, we believe in a fifth phase to be implemented in 2016, which should be planned during this year. To conduct 16 Sewing (Escola de Costura) classes. To help 100% of Projeto Pescar students to enter the job market, mainly through Lojas Renner, or stimulate them to start studying in a university. To approve 15 projects through the 2015 request for proposal. Employees Community and social organizations Community and social organizations Community and social organizations ACHIEVED The fourth phase of the CSC Project was implemented with the consolidation of stores processes and administrative processes. To implement the fifth phase of the CSC Project for greater absorption of the store processes and consolidation of administrative processes. Through evaluation of opportunities, we believe in a sixth phase to be implemented in 2017, which should be planned during this year. To ensure that 90% of suppliers classified as Strategic Suppliers and under the A Curve Risk have at least one approved competitor. PARTIALLY ACHIEVED | 15 Sewing classes were held in the year 2015. PARTIALLY ACHIEVED | 13 young people concluded the Professional Initiation in Sales and Customer Service training course on 01/13/2016. They are currently participating in the selection processes of Lojas Renner and other companies in the sector. ACHIEVED | 21 projects approved by the 2015 request for proposal. To conduct 10 Sewing classes. Hold Projeto Pescar classes at Lojas Renner's headquarters, continuing to be a maintainer partner of the Projeto Pescar Foundation. To launch a request for proposal in partnership with UN Women, expected to support 20 projects. To conduct a new evaluation of suppliers, according to the A Curve for 2014 and critical suppliers. Administrative suppliers ACHIEVED 65 suppliers evaluated. To reduce 5% of costs with acquisition of materials, equipment and services negotiated by the Administrative Supplier Management (GFA). Administrative suppliers ACHIEVED Reduction of 15.1%. To ensure that 90% of suppliers in the A Curve are evaluated according to the IDGF standards and have action plans drawn up and monitored. To reduce 5% of costs with acquisition of materials, equipment and services negotiated by the Administrative Supplier Management (GFA). 93
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