Q3 2009 Results Overview slide image

Q3 2009 Results Overview

20000 300 700 600 500 400 305.49 303.53 266.4 263.15 319.61 266 -2,000.0 -1,600.0 -1,200.0 Fiscal indicators: The worst seems past Overall fiscal balance of the state budget, 2004-2009F GEL mln 0.0 2006 2007 2008 2009F 0.0% 2010F 2011F -468.9 -400.0 -815.7 -2.0% -935.7 -1,258.6 -1,390.1 -4.5% -800.0 -3.4% -4.8% -4.0% -1,720.5 -6.6% Overall fiscal balance Overall fiscal balance as % of GDP Overall fiscal balance of the state budget, 2004-2009F GEL mln 379.45 499.48 573.2 0 January February March April Lobko BANK OF GEORGIA www.bog.ge/ir 308.36 407.61 314.6 377.9 316.8 442.5 358.4 293 415.3 May June 2007 2008 2009 444.2% 459.17 352.105: July August 352.2 316.15 320.422 390.5 408.1 373.021: 346.3 -9.4% 367.1 328.230 362.5 366.8 September October November December 502.56 447.31 January 2010 Page 14 -7.3% -10.0% -8.0% -6.0%
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