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Investor Presentaiton

COPPER GRWOTH Sediment hosted, stratabound zinc- silver deposit Category Mt Grade (Zn) Grade (Ag) Contained Metal Contained Metal (Tonnes) (Zn) (oz) (Ag) Inferred 1.0 Total 10.24% 1.0 10.24% 46.5g/t 46.5g/t 103,000 1,500,000 103,000 1,500,000 Geology and Resources Sediment hosted, stratabound copper sulphide Storm deposit West Desert Large Zinc-Copper-Silver-Indium skarn and carbonate replacement deposit (CRD) Deposit Category Mt Grade (Cu) Grade (Ag) Contained Metal Contained Metal (Tonnes) (Cu) (Ounces) (Ag) Category Indicated 27.4 Mt Grade (Zn) Grade (Cu) Contained Metal Contained Metal (Tonnes) (Zn) (Tonnes) (Cu) Cyclone 4.88 Inferred 7.21 Chinook Inferred 2.19 Corona Inferred 1.64 3.79% 0.14% Indicated 1.26% 3.45g/t 1,037,278 40,588 61,600 541,100 Inferred 6.3 4.01% 0.13% 253,626 8,465 1.20% 4.03g/t 86,800 934,700 Total 33.7 3.83% 0.15% 1,290,904 49,053 1.47% 4.00g/t 32,300 282,300 West Desert resource estimated using a 3.5% Zn equivalent cut-off grade (Mt = million tonnes) 0.89% 1.48g/t 14,700 77,700 Cirrus Inferred 1.55 0.62% 1.29g/t 9,700 64,400 Total 17.5 1.17% 3.38g/t 205,000 1,900,200 Storm Copper Project resource estimate at 0.35% Cu cut-off grade (Mt = million tonnes) Seal American West Metals total copper resource 254,053 tonnes In addition to large quantities of zinc, silver, indium, gold and lead Seal resource estimated using a 4.0% Zn equivalent cut-off grade (Mt = million tonnes) Cautionary Statement: The estimates of minerals resources referred to in this Presentation in regard to the Seal Zinc Project are historical and foreign in nature and are reported in accordance with Canadian NI 43-101 Standards and not in accordance with the 2012 JORC Code. A competent person has not done sufficient work to classify these estimates as mineral resources or ore reserves in accordance with the 2012 JORC Code. It is uncertain that following evaluation and/or further exploration work that the historical and foreign resource estimates of mineralisation will be able to be reported as mineral resources or ore reserves in accordance with the 2012 JORC Code. Resource figures are listed on a 100% basis. American West Minerals has an 80% ownership of the Storm and Seal deposits. A full copy of the Technical Reports can be viewed at: 22 22
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