Investor Presentaiton
The EIA process was first institutionalized and
signed into law in the United States in early 1970.
Agenda 21, an outcome of the United Nations
Conference on Environment and Development
(UNCED) provides that: "Environmental Impact
Assessment as a national instrument shall be
undertaken for proposed activities that are likely to
have a significant adverse impact on the environment
and subject to a decision of a competent authority”.
While the EIA was passed into Law in the United
States as a result of public concerns on the negative
impacts of industrialization on the environment, the
Agenda 21, to which Nigeria is a signatory, was the
spring board to the promulgation of the EIA Act
1992 now CapE12, LFN, 2010.
EIA is conducted to ensure that
potential problems are foreseen
and addressed at an early stage in
the project planning and design.
In other words, EIA is a proactive
assessment of the likely
consequences of the project on
the environment, the people and
the inherent biodiversity
Environmental Decree No. 86 of
1992 governs E(SH)IA process
and makes E(SH)IA mandatory
for development projects that are
likely to have adverse impacts on
the environment.
Furthermore, in compliance with
the Act CAP E12, Laws of the
Federation of Nigeria (LFN)
ESIA act confers the mandate to
implement the ESIA study on the
Federal Ministry of Environment
(FMEnv).View entire presentation