Investor Presentaiton
Other social initiatives led by Eldorado
in 2016 were:
> Donation of equipment for the Hospital
Auxiliadora in Três Lagoas;
> Roof for the Três Lagoas Fire Brigade's
multi-sport court in function of the "Bom-
beiros do Amanhã" project, which orga-
nizes physical, play, school reinforcement
and accident prevention activities for
underprivileged children aged from 9 to
14 years;
> Construction of a public clinic in the Novo
Oeste district of Três Lagoas, and donation
of two ICU ambulances to the Três Lagoas
Municipal Administration;
> Construction of an Infant Education Center
in the Novo Oeste district of Três Lagoas;
> Construction of a multi-sport court at the
Moranga school in the city of Inocência;
> Construction of a clinical analysis labotory
in the municipality of Inocência;
PAIS: driving results for
everyone involved
Eln partnership with Sebrae,
Eldorado conducts the PAIS (acro-
nym in Portuguese for integrated,
sustainable agro-ecological produc-
tion) program, which disseminates
sustainable land management and
organic agricultural techniques
among small farmers, helping
drive economic development, food
security and the preservation of
the environment in Mato Grosso
do Sul.
Over its three years, the program
distributed 45 kits in the munici-
palities of Três Lagoas, Selvíria and
Aparecida do Taboado. In the latter,
the technology was implemented
in an institution that cares for un-
derprivileged children and adoles-
cents, with the organic produce be-
ing consumed by the very program
In February 2016, Eldorado started
acquiring organic produce planted
in the settlement Pontal do Faia in
Três Lagoas for use in the factory
restaurant. In June, the company
also began to buy produce from
the Alecrim settlement in Selvíria
for the restaurants in its forestry
units in Inocência and Selvíria.
Between March 2016 and March
2017, Eldorado bought more than
22 metric tons of vegetables from
the program, ensuring a healthier
diet for company employees and
generating income for the produc-
2017 project schedule
Ongoing measures to foment local develop-
ment and drive improved education, health-
care and income levels are under execution
or scheduled for 2017:
ers. Project participants also sell
produce to some municipal govern-
ments, for meals served in schools
and other entities.
The Pontal do Faia and Canoas
settlements, which join the PAIS
program, benefited from other El-
dorado actions in 2016. Producers
participating in the program in the
two communities received screens
and shades to protect their planta-
tions. At the Canoas settlement, a
limestone donation to enrich the
soil was also concluded. In 2017,
five protected cultivation units will
be provided for producers in
the Pontal do Faia and Alecrim
Practical benefits
The social matrix results are used
in the definition of company
strategy to drive positive impacts,
reduce, and mitigate negative
ones. Each stage of every project
focused on local development is
monitored and perception of its
effectiveness is measured among
the communities involved. Specific
action plans are developed in case
any need for adjustment or im-
provement is identified.
One of the measures undertaken
by Eldorado in 2016 offered pro-
fessional training in the Garcias
district of Três Lagoas, meeting a
community demand. In partnership
with Senai, a 360-hour course on
brickwork and building was offered
for residents. At the end of the
program, participants were given
the mission of remodeling the local
community center, where the main
leisure and entertainment activi-
ties in Garcia take place and which
could be used for future training
courses. The company enabled the
execution of the course and pro-
vided the building materials for the
remodeling of the center, inaugu-
rated in August 2016.
> Infrastructure improvements at the school
Escolinha Master Clube Recanto do Galo,
in Três Lagoas, which organizes sporting
activities for underprivileged children;
> Vocational baking and dressmaking courses
in the Garcias district of Três Lagoas;
> Donation of vehicle to transport organic
produce from the PAIS project in the Pontal
do Faia settlement;
> Donation of a school bus to transport
children in the Selvíria rural zone;
> Donation of a bus for the Três Lagoas Court,
aimed at ensuring access to justice for low-
income families in the city;
> Donation of materials for the old people's
home Lar de Idosos - Grupo da Fraterni-
dade Espírita José Xavier, in Três Lagoas.
> Donation of an ICU ambulance to the Santa
Rita do Pardo Municipal Health Department;
> Expansion of the clinical area in the Hospi-
tal Auxiliadora, in Três Lagoas.View entire presentation