Investor Presentaiton
REDD+ in the State of Acre - Brazil
REDD+ in the State of Acre - Brazil
High complexity: despite high capacities wi-
thin Acre's State gov-ernment, REDD+ imple-
mentation remains demanding with regard to
technical and operational requirements (e.g.
MRV, carbon account-ing, REDD+ mechanism,
and safeguards).
Conceptual basis of results-based finance
and benefit-sharing: in the operational reality
of everyday implementation, it is difficult to
maintain the focus on the conceptually chal-
lenging elements of the programme design.
Need for adaptive management as defores-
tation is a moving target and the political and
ecological environment is subject to change.
The approach and measures on how to reduce
deforestation and to conserve forests need to
be constantly revisited and adapted.
Targeting vs. pulverization of funds: given the
risk that limited funds are used for a variety of
purposes, there is a need to maintain a strate-
gic focus in accordance with the sub-program-
mes as well as with the stock-and-flow princi-
ples. Addressing climate risks (e.g. droughts,
floods) with limited funds poses additional
challenges for maintaining a programmatic
focus that benefits stakeholders at the local
Operating in tropical forest regions: dis-
tances that seem small on a map pose huge
Logistical challenges in rainforest environ-
ments. As often only small distances can be
covered during a long period of time (e.g.
100 km in five days by boat), operating in re-
mote forested areas complicates the imple-
mentation and monitoring of pro-grammes.
Administration capacities at the local le-
vel: Despite significant improvements over
the last decade, the capacity to administer
funds by producers' organizations and, es-
pecially, indigenous organ-izations, remains
limited. This results in slower disbursement
to these groups than desired as well as the
need for heightened admin-istrative support
by the programme management to these
Vertical integration of the REDD+ system:
the REDD+ system at the national level is
being built up and consolidated. Establishing
co-herence across administrative levels needs
constant attention.
ER demand still slow: in a context where ER
results exceed available funding the goal was
that additional results-based finance by other
sources would complement REM funding. This
is materializing much slower than expected.View entire presentation