Investor Presentaiton
PRC Key Economy Indicators
PRC's gross domestic product in 2021 reached about 17.7 trillion
U.S. dollars or equivalent to growth of 8.1% y-o-y. The full year
target for 2022 is around 5.5%
PRC's crude steel production between January and February
reached 157 million tons, down by 10.0% y-o-y; the country
exported about 8 million tons of steel products between January
and February, down by 18.8% y-o-y
China Steel Price Index (CSPI) soared by 5.9% in end-February to
137.56 points
The country imported 181 million tons of iron ore between January
and February, similar level to the same period last year, while coal
imports reached 35 million tons, down by about 14.0% y-o-y
RCIT 中国航運股份有限公司
Chinese Maritime Transport Ltd.
Mar/2022 Investor Presentation
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