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Max MyHealth Digital Platform & CSR Initiatives

MAX Healthcare Network P&L Statement: Q3 FY24 Gross revenue Net revenue Direct costs¹ Figs in INR Cr Q3 FY23 Q2 FY24 Q3 FY24 Amount % NR Amount % NR Amount % NR 1,559 1,827 1,779 1,478 100.0% 1,732 100.0% 1,689 100.0% 573 38.8% 667 38.5% 650 38.5% 905 61.2% 1,065 61.5% 1,038 61.5% 486 32.9% 567 32.8% 567 33.6% Contribution Indirect overheads² Operating EBITDA (post Ind AS-116) 419 28.3% 497 28.7% 471 27.9% ESOP (Equity-settled scheme) 12 0.8% 12 0.7% 12 0.7% Movement in fair value of contingent consideration payable and amortisation of contract assets³ 6 0.4% 7 0.4% (8) (0.5%) Reported EBITDA 401 27.1% 478 27.6% 467 27.7% Finance cost (net) 4 7 0.5% (17) (1.0%) (14) (0.8%) Depreciation and amortisation Profit before tax Tax5 63 4.3% 66 3.8% 70 4.1% 331 22.4% 429 24.8% 411 24.3% 61 4.2% 91 5.3% 73 4.3% 269 18.2% 338 19.5% 338 20.0% Profit after tax 1. Direct costs include material cost, F&B and Clinician's cost, etc. 2. Indirect overheads include personnel cost and other indirect overheads. 3. This is a non-cash item representing change in fair value of contingent consideration payable to Trust/Society over the balance period (~19 to 30 years) under O&M Contracts and mainly represents impact of changes in the time value of discounted liability 4. Net of interest income on deposits, capitalisation of projects underway and tax refunds, and includes forex gain/loss, etc. 5. Effective tax rate in Q3 FY24 stood at 17.7% compared to 18.6% in Q3 FY23 25
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