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Investor Presentaiton

Sustainability - Environment We are committed to conducting our business in a way that drives environmental sustainability. This means we are proactively working to reduce our impact on the planet, address climate change and be innovative with new technologies and how we use them with our customers Reducing our own carbon emissions Our annual footprint is close to 1 million tonnes CO2-e To reduce this footprint, we established clear CO2-e emission reduction targets: 8% reduction by 17% reduction by end FY2024 FY2030 (44% excluding line losses¹) Ausgrid Climate Change Statement 13 Managing our climate change physical and transitional risks Our Climate Change Statement and emissions reduction targets demonstrate we take this seriously. In practice this means: Bushfire preparedness and storm management to keep our customers, people and network safe Hardening our network so it is more resilient. to climate change and provides our customers cleaner energy choices Spending $280m p.a. to replace ageing assets and improve reliability Key: Supporting documents -XNetwork resilience Emerging technology 1. In FY19, average line losses were 3.7% of the energy we move Better Ausgrid Together 00 Enabling the transition to clean energy We are investing $42m Network Innovation Program over the next five years to test new grid technologies that improve customer outcomes ECE M ISO 14001 Environmental management system (EMS) 20+ years certified to the international standard ISO 14001. Annual Environmental Sustainability Improvement Plan to identify actions that help achieve Ausgrid's environmental targets, objectives and long-term vision Environmental Management System Providing cleaner energy choices for our customers We are being innovative by: ⚫ planning pilots of community batteries ⚫trialling virtual power plants (in which household batteries feed back into our network) to allow us to become the internet of energy 33 53
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