Zillow Group Financial Performance
Use of Operating Metrics
Zillow reviews a number of operating metrics to evaluate its business, measure performance, identify trends, formulate business plans, and make strategic
decisions. This presentation includes Revenue Per Customer Transaction and Customer Transactions. Going forward, Zillow expects to use these operating metrics
on a periodic basis to evaluate and provide investors with insight into the performance of Zillow's transaction-based lines of business, which currently include
Premier Agent, Zillow Home Loans and Zillow Closing Services. Because Zillow is winding down Zillow Offers operations, Zillow excluded revenue and transaction
contributions from Zillow Offers from the calculations of Customer Transactions and Revenue Per Customer Transaction, as further described below. We believe
these adjustments enable management and investors to better understand and monitor the health and performance of Zillow's continuing transaction-based lines
of business while controlling for impacts from Zillow Offers.
Customer Transactions: Zillow calculates "Customer Transactions" as each unique purchase or sale transaction in which the home buyer or seller uses Zillow
Home Loans, Zillow Closing Services, and/or involves a Premier Agent that the buyer or seller connected with through Zillow, in each case excluding those
transactions which occurred in connection with a Zillow Offers transaction. In particular:
For Premier Agent, Zillow uses an internal approximation of the number of buy- and sell-side transactions that involve a Premier Agent that the buyer or
seller connected with through Zillow. Because of the challenges associated with measuring the conversion of connections to transactions outside of our
Flex program, including reliance on the availability and quality of public records and data, these estimates may be inaccurate.
For Zillow Closing Services, Zillow counts each unique purchase or sale transaction in which the home buyer or seller uses Zillow Closing Services.
For Zillow Home Loans, Zillow counts each unique purchase or sale transaction in which the home buyer or seller uses Zillow Home Loans.
Revenue Per Customer Transaction: Zillow calculates "Revenue Per Customer Transaction" as Premier Agent, Zillow Home Loans and Zillow Closing Services
revenue (excluding revenue generated in connection with a Zillow Offers transaction) divided by the number of Customer Transactions during the relevant period.
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