PEMEX Investor Presentation
PEMEX® Investment Considerations
Financial Strength
One of the main enterprises in Latin
America, with revenues of US$111
■Biggest source of income and foreign
currency for the Mexican
■ An important role in Mexico's
Strong and attractive multiples
EBITDA/Interests, EBITDA/Debt
Main Operating Statistics
Crude oil production: 2.55 MMbd.
Natural gas production: 6.59 MMMcfd.
Operational Performance
World's fourth-largest oil producer.
Third-largest supplier of foreign crude
oil to the USA.
■Competitive production costs.
■ Proved reserves equivalent to ten
years of production, and a reserves
replacement rate greater than 100% in
proved reserves.
Crude oil exports: 1.34 MMbd.
Petro. products output: 1.32 MMbd.
C-0022, Pemex Investor Presentation (Sept. 2012)View entire presentation