Growth Ambitions and Development Update slide image

Growth Ambitions and Development Update

Growth Ambitions Route from 30koz Au Annual Production to 50koz AuEq and beyond Multi-Asset Producer Hayes Creek Fountain Head • Over 1,500km² of mineral and exploration licences • Pipeline of targets to feed AUSTRALIA Hayes Creek Development • Subsequent to gold mining at Fountain Head new flotation stream to be installed • Target additional Fountain Head Development annual production of additional 30- 50koz AuEq¹ in sulphide conc. • into infrastructure Hub and spoke approach Glencoe expand continues to Potential for large scale discovery • PFS Complete • • Engineering underway 0.75Mtpa gold processing facility Target average annual production of ~30koz Au Mine life extensions from numerous gold deposits within trucking distance PNZ METALS 1. (AuEq) Gold Equivalent - takes into account other payable metals such as silver and zinc in addition to the contained gold and converts into a gold equivalent value 10
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