SoftBank Results Presentation Deck
LTV Calculation: Details of SBG Stand-alone Net Debt
SBG stand-alone net debt
(before adjustment)
Adjustment for hybrid
Adjustments for asset-
backed finance
Alibaba shares
Arm shares
T-Mobile shares
Deutsche Telekom shares
SBKK shares
Adjusted SBG stand-alone
net debt
(\ T)
Consolidated net interest-bearing debt - net interest-bearing debt
at self-financing entities*¹
For hybrid bonds and hybrid loans with maturity dates, deduct 50% from interest-bearing debt;
as the entire amount is recorded as interest-bearing debt in the consolidated financial statements.
-0.37 As for perpetual bonds, add 50% to interest-bearing debt; as the entire amount is recorded as
equity in the consolidated financial statements.
(Note) As of Sep 30, 2023
Net interest-bearing debt = Interest-bearing debt - Cash position
Cash position
Financial liabilities relating to prepaid forward contracts (floor contracts, collar contracts, and
forward contracts) using Alibaba shares (¥4,940.4B)
Amount equivalent to the outstanding debt balance of the borrowings made through asset-
backed finance using Arm shares (¥1,259.8B)
Financial liabilities relating to prepaid forward contracts (collar contracts) using T-Mobile shares
= cash and cash equivalents + short-term investments recorded as current assets + investments in government bonds
Amount equivalent to the outstanding debt balance relating to collar transactions using Deutsche
Telekom shares executed in Oct 2021 (¥481.6B)
Equivalent amount of debt outstanding for margin loans using SBKK shares, etc. (¥561.8B)
*1 Self-financing entities include SB Northstar; however, SB Northstar's cash and cash equivalents and interest-bearing debt, other than margin loans and prime brokerage loans, are
treated as SBG stand-alone net interest-bearing debt. There is no balance of margin loans and prime brokerage loans of SB Northstar as of Sep 30, 2023.
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