Environmental & Social Safeguards Third-Party Monitoring
The consulting firm is expected to perform the following specified tasks related to
implementation of all the E&S instruments for PULSE as specified in the Environment and
social commitment plan available on the link below;
a) Monitor the Environmental and Social Deliverables of Planned Project
The Consulting firm will monitor the approved project interventions/deliverables within the
PC-1 for the conformity of environmental and social categorization with respect to the Project
E&S instruments as noted in the Project Financing Agreement.
b) Review institutional arrangements & Gap Analysis:
The consulting firm shall review the Operational manual, project implementation arrangements
and adequacy of institutional arrangements adopted in the ESMF of the project towards
implementation of the ESMF, will conduct a detailed Gap Analysis and shall make
recommendations. Existing E&S instruments and processes should be reviewed to check if the
appropriate documents (E&S Checklists, E-Waste Management Plan, Environment and Social
Management Plan, Gender Action Plan and Grievance Redress Mechanism for Project, etc.) as
required in the ESCP have been prepared in accordance with the approved E&S instruments.
Furthermore, the consultant will monitor whether the procurement documents of contractors
include the necessary codes of conduct to handle issues outlined in the ESCP, ESMF, LMP,
ESIA/ESMPS, and the environmental, social, and health & safety specifications.
c) Monitor the adequacy of the instrument:
The consulting firm shall review the instruments prepared for various project activities for its
adequacy in addressing the potential environmental and social impacts of the project.
Recommendations should be made on how to improve the internal monitoring process of the
E&S Safeguards. The firm further monitors the occupational, health and safety (OHS) measures
in place including any emergency preparedness and response measures in the ESMPs. In
addition, the firm monitor whether the project has conducted a SEA/SH risk assessment which
also proposes mitigation mechanisms in the form of an action plan.
d) Conduct field surveys:
The consulting firm shall develop a plan to conduct field surveys of 25 % of the project area
(District wise) where activities are under progress to ascertain the discrepancies if any between
the documentation and field activity.
e) Quality of E&S implementation:
The consulting firm will also conduct field of the project area to determine the quality of ESCP
and ESMP implementation compliance with the ESSs. Field surveys will be comprehensive and
include site visits, physical analysis; review of documentary evidence and public consultations
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