Annual Integrated Report
Annual Integrated Report
Table of Contents
Introduction Value Creation | Economic Performance | Environmental Social Governance Appendices
Financial well-being of the customer and responsible consumption
3-3 Management of mate-
rial topics
As a financial institution, we may generate tangible negative impacts,
such as client indebtedness and the occurrence of unwarranted or abusive
charges. Consequently, we are involved in legal actions and administrative
proceedings that are directly related to the normal course of our business
operations. The primary categories of legal and administrative proceedings
to which we are subject include: administrative and judicial actions related
to taxes; administrative and compensatory actions for damages concerning
consumer rights, particularly in relation to credit cards, current accounts,
and loan disputes; judicial actions involving disputes related to contracts
and agreements in which we are a party, including claims related to
contract breaches, among others. For further information on these negative
impacts, please refer to Form 20-F (page 199).
br/sites/WRI/documentos/url-20-f 2022/23-02-28 191428 20-f%202022.pdf.
pdf. To mitigate these risks, we have established a governance structure
involving senior leadership within the Institution, comprising committees,
controls, goals, and metrics, as well as action plans aimed at continuously
improving our customer service.
417-1 Requirements for
product and service infor-
mation labeling
Productive inclusion and empowerment
3-3 Management of mate-
rial topics
Where to find the
Reasons for
Pages 9, 22, 23
Page 56
Confidential information. Our rela-
tionship with customers, through
evaluations and daily interactions,
yields valuable insights to enhance
our processes and policies. (item f)
Information not applicable. The
percentage of significant product
or service categories covered by
the organization's procedures and
assessed for compliance with said
procedures does not apply to the
Bank's activities.
Pages 9, 22, 23, 36, 58 and 59
Confidential information. Our
engagement with stakeholders and
the entities with which we relate to
promote social and cultural invest-
ment generates subsidies to enhance
processes and policies. We constant-
ly monitor the efficacy of measures,
objectives, targets, and indicators.
Our governance framework provides
for reporting and approval of actions
taken, which may escalate to the
Board of Directors (items e and f).
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