Investor Presentaiton
Company directory
A total store transformation focused on the overall store environment, team, range and
process efficiency (including digital)
Return on Funds Employed Calculated as EBIT before significant items for the previous 12 months as a percentage
of average (opening, mid and closing) funds employed, including significant items provisions
Sales per square metre
Total net debt
Total net debt
average comparable
sales growth
Voice of Customer (VOC)
Voice of Supplier (VOS)
A new team rostering and store standards solution in Woolworths Supermarkets
(Right team, right task, right time)
Total sales for the previous 12 months by business divided by average trading area of stores
and fulfilment centres
Statewide Independent Wholesalers Pty Limited
Borrowings less cash balances, including debt hedging derivatives and lease liabilities
Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures
Borrowings less cash balances, including debt hedging derivatives and lease liabilities
Total recordable injury frequency rate
Simple average of the current period and prior period comparable sales growth
Externally facilitated survey of a sample of Woolworths Group customers where customers
rate Woolworths Group businesses on several criteria. Expressed as a percentage
of customers providing a rating of six or seven on a seven-point scale
VOC NPS is based on feedback from Everyday Rewards members. VOC NPS is the number
of promoters (score of nine or 10) less the number of detractors (score of six or below)
A survey of a broad spectrum of suppliers facilitated by an external provider. The survey
is used to provide an ongoing measure of the effectiveness of business relationships
with the supplier community. VOS is the average of the suppliers' rating across various
attributes, scored as a percentage of suppliers that provided a rating of six or seven
on a seven-point scale
Registered office
1 Woolworths Way
Bella Vista NSW 2153
Tel: (02) 8885 0000
Company Secretaries
Kate Eastoe
Michelle Hall
Investor relations
Paul van Meurs
Shareholder enquiries
Link Market Services
Locked Bag A14, Sydney South NSW 1235
For shareholders:
Tel: 1300 368 664
Email: [email protected]
For team members:
Tel: 1800 111 281
Email: [email protected]
Tel: (02) 8885 1033
Email: [email protected]
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
Quay Quarter Tower
50 Bridge Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Tel: (02) 9322 7000
Five Year Summary
The Five Year Summary is available
on the Woolworths Group website.
Other non-IFRS measures used in describing the business performance include:
Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and
amortisation (EBITDA)
Volume productivity metrics including transaction
growth, items per basket and item growth
Trading area
Fixed assets and investments
Net tax balances
Cash flow from operating activities before interest
and tax
Free cash flow after equity related financing activities
excluding dividends
Significant items
Net investment in inventory
Closing trade payable days
Change in average prices
Margins including gross profit, CODB and EBIT
Net assets held for sale
Closing inventory days
Average inventory days
Design Communication and Production by ARMSTRONG
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