Why Invest In KORE? slide image

Why Invest In KORE?

Leading offering, backed by extensive IP, creates sustainable competitive moat Comprehensive mission-critical loT solution set Connectivity • ° 45 7 engine carrier integrations KORE One platform ConnectivityPro service and related APIs eSIM technology stack/ proprietary IP Hypercore technology KORE's IoT in a Box creates high switching costs 1 IoT Strategy & End-to-End Security 2 Technology Evaluation, Selection, Dev. 3 Connectivity, Device & Data Management KORE 4 Deployment (forward logistics) loT Solutions Deep industry vertical knowledge and experience Connected Health - FDA, HIPAA, ISO 9001/13485 Fleet Management - SaaS product and APIs, video bundle Unmatched breadth of solutions and analytics services SecurityPro network intelligence service Asset management, mobile data management, logistics services Network certification expertise 3,400+ connectivity-only customers for cross-sell KORE Operations Management & Support Sustainment (Reverse Logistics) Analysis & Optimization 5 6 7 KORE delivers 44 of the 49 steps required to deploy an IoT Solution 23 23
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