Realization of Waste to Energy Concepts via PPP Models
Q & A UNECE (2/3)
2. What is your impression of government programs on waste and waste to energy
overall? Do you think they are doing enough to eradicate the use of landfills? What
are the main barriers to changing their policies ? Are there ways in which the public
and private sectors can work better together in order to phase out landfills more
quickly? I appreciate you know Germany but I was wondering if you could say
something about Eastern Europe including Central Asia and the prospects for Waste
to Energy there.
Gov. waste programs are mainly focussing on recycling goals. But recycling quotas do
not help the Circular Economy and are often used as green washing. Only a minimum
content of secondary material in products will help. WtE has not enough support by
politicians. Some do not understand the interconnectivity between recycling and
thermal recovery, some are misled by NGO's, others want to divert the sketchy role of
agriculture and traffic concerning GHG emission by blaming WtE.
The transition period for landfills is much too long and needless. Main barrier are
costs. Poland has stopped landfilling but hasn`t invested enough in MRF's and WtE.
Prices have exploded and nowadays they have opened them again.
Asia and the Middle East are the booming areas of new WtE projects.
01/12/2020 Zeichen setzen: Realization of Waste to Energy Concepts via PPP Models
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