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Investor Presentaiton

Bank-only income statement TL million 4Q22 3Q23 4Q23 y/y 9/9 2022 2023 y/y Net Interest Income including swap costs 30,649 27,288 16,204 -47% -41% 74,849 66,984 -11% o/w NII 30,536 27,703 23,770 -22% -14% 76,948 72,902 -5% Income from CPI-linkers¹ 21,097 24,237 19,062 -10% -21% 47,276 61,246 30% o/w Swap costs Fees & Commissions 113 -415 -7,566 n.m. n.m. -2,099 -5,918 182% 4,511 9,765 12,989 188% 33% 14,134 34,482 144% Core Revenues 35,161 37,053 29,194 -17% -21% 88,983 101,466 14% Operating Costs 9,245 11,454 15,725 70% 37% 22,369 46,427 108% Core Operating Income 25,916 25,599 13,469 -48% -47% 66,614 55,039 -17% Trading and FX gains/losses 1,164 6,083 3,967 241% -35% 11,087 25,829 133% Trading excl. ECL hedge 518 5,199 2,513 386% -52% 6,272 18,634 197% ECL hedging 646 884 1,454 125% 64% 4,815 7,195 49% Other income 1,072 2,566 3,146 193% 23% 3,871 10,142 162% o/w income from subs 903 2,357 2,430 169% 3% 3,103 8,215 165% Pre-provision Profit 28,152 34,248 20,583 -27% -40% 81,572 91,011 12% ECL net of collections 5,107 1,585 609 -88% -62% 12,884 8,308 -36% ECL (excl. currency impact) 4,461 701 -845 -119% -220% 8,069 1,113 -86% o/w Collections/Provision Reversals (-) -2,237 -2,338 -4,159 86% 78% -9,296 -15,464 66% Provisions for Risks and Charges & Other 99 25 81 -18% 224% 374 152 -59% Pre-tax Income 22,946 32,638 19,893 -13% -39% 68,314 82,551 21% Tax Net Income 5,517 8,052 586 -89% -93% 15,569 14,542 -7% 17,429 24,586 19,307 11% -21% 52,745 68,009 29% ROTE RoA COR (excl. currency impact) 59% 66% 46% -13pp -20pp 57% 45% -12pp 6.5% 6.7% 4.7% -185bps -201bps 5.7% 4.8% -94bps 3.07% 0.37% -0.40% -347bps -77bps 1.60% 0.15% -145bps Notes: n.m.: not meaningful 1. Interest income from CPI linkers includes only inflation impact on principal amount and does not include the interest income from fixed coupon rate - 40 - YapıKredi
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