Third Quarter 2022 Results slide image

Third Quarter 2022 Results

3Q22 Corporate Centre - 3Q22 3Q21 3Q22 / 2Q22 3Q22 / 9M22 9M21 9M22 / €m Corporate Center Revenues 3Q21 2Q22 9M21 -46 -10 n.s. -50 -7.9% -30 313 n.s. Operating Expenses and Dep. -199 -178 +11.7% -168 +18.2% -878 -639 +37.4% Incl. Restructuring, IT Reinforcement and Adaptation Costs -129 -62 n.s. -110 +17.9% -314 -210 +49.7% Gross Operating Income -245 -187 +30.5% -218 +12.2% -908 -326 n.s. Cost of Risk -128 -38 n.s. -63 n.s. -244 -159 +53.4% Operating Income -372 -225 +65.1% -281 +32.6% -1,152 -485 n.s. Share of Earnings of Equity-Method Entities 19 13 +52.8% 19 +3.1% 61 12 n.s. Other Non Operating Items Pre-Tax Income Allocated Equity (Єbn, year to date) -1 -61 -98.5% -66 -98.7% -110 529 n.s. -354 -274 +29.3% -328 +7.8% -1,201 56 n.s. 3.7 4.2 -12.9% Revenues Revaluation of proprietary credit risk included in derivatives (DVA): +€94m Operating expenses Restructuring and adaptation costs: -€32m (-€20m in 3Q21) IT reinforcement costs: -€97m (-€42m in 3Q21) Cost of risk Impact of the "Act on assistance to borrowers" in Poland: -€204m Other non-operating items 3Q21 reminder: Capital gain on the sale of Allfunds shares¹: +€144m Goodwill impairments: -€149m BNP PARIBAS 1. Disposal of 1.97% stake in Allfunds The bank for a changing world Third quarter 2022 results | 76
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