Investor Presentaiton
The company in which Qatar Aluminium Manufacturing Company Q.P.S.C. directly owns investment is a separate entity. In this presentation,
"QAMCO" and "the Company" are sometimes used for convenience in reference to Qatar Aluminium Manufacturing Company Q.P.S.C.
This presentation may contains forward-looking statements concerning the financial condition, results of operations and businesses of Qatar
Aluminium Manufacturing Company Q.P.S.C. All statements other than statements of historical fact are deemed to be forward-looking
statements, being statements of future expectations that are based on current expectations and assumptions, and involve known and
unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results, operations and business performance or events impacting the Company to
differ materially from those expressed or as may be inferred from these statements.
There are a number of factors that could affect the realisation of these forward-looking statements such as: (a) price fluctuations in
commodity markets, (b) changes in demand or market conditions for the products, (c) loss of market share and industry competition, (d)
environmental risks and natural disasters, (e) changes in legislative, fiscal and regulatory conditions, (f) changes in economic and financial
market conditions and (g) political risks. As such, results could differ substantially from those stated, or as may be inferred from the forward-
looking statements contained herein. All forward-looking statements contained in this presentation are made as of the date of this document.
Qatar Aluminium Manufacturing Company Q.P.S.C., its Directors, officers, advisors, contractors and agents shall not be liable in any way for
any costs, losses or other detrimental effects resulting or arising from the use of or reliance by any party on any forward-looking statement
and/or other material contained herein. Qatar Aluminium Manufacturing Company Q.P.S.C. and its joint venture are further in no way
obliged to update or publish revisions to any forward-looking statement or any other material contained herein which may or may not be
known to have changed or to be inaccurate as a result of new information, future events or any reason whatsoever. Qatar Aluminium
Manufacturing Company Q.P.S.C. does not guarantee the accuracy of the historical statements contained herein.
Qatar Aluminium Manufacturing Company's accounting year follows the calendar year. However, QAMCO's first financial year consisted of
13 months and ended on 31 December 2019. No adjustment has been made for leap years. Where applicable, all values refer to Qatar
Aluminium Manufacturing Company's share. Values expressed in US $'s have been translated at the rate of US $1 = QR3.64.
Adjusted Free Cash Flow: Cash Flow From Operations - Total CAPEX - Dividends ⚫ CAGR: 5-Year Compound Annual Growth Rate Cash
Realisation Ratio: Cash Flow From Operations / Net Profit x 100 ⚫ Debt to Equity: (Current Debt + Long-Term Debt) / Equity x 100 • Dividend
Yield: Total Cash Dividend / Closing Market Capitalisation × 100 ⚫ DRI: Direct Reduced Iron EBITDA: Earnings Before Interest, Tax,
Depreciation and Amortisation calculated as (Net Profit + Interest Expense + Depreciation + Amortisation) • EPS: Earnings per Share (Net
Profit / Number of Ordinary Shares outstanding at the year-end) • Free Cash Flow: Cash Flow From Operations - Total CAPEX • LME:
London Metal Exchange MT PA: Metric Tons Per Annum • Payout Ratio: Total Cash Dividend / Net Profit x 100 • P/E: Price to Earnings
(Closing market Capitalisation / Net Profit) • Utilization: Production Volume / Rated Capacity x 100
QAMCO, IR Presentation, Q4-20View entire presentation