SMBC Group's Financial and Credit Portfolio slide image

SMBC Group's Financial and Credit Portfolio

CRE Exposure (Sep. 23) SMBC Group's Exposure*1 CRE Exposure JPY 19 tn • 13% of total exposure • NPL ratio: 0.5% JPY 155 tn Japan U.S. CRE JPY 12 tn JPY 82 tn Corporate: 50%, NRL: 30%, REITs: 20% Investment grade: 70% NPL ratio: 0.3% CRE JPY 2 tn NRL: 50%, REITs: 50% Investment grade: 70% JPY 26 tn ● NPL ratio: 0.3% Office: JPY 0.3 tn, NPL ratio of 2% China Hong Kong CRE JPY 1.4 tn JPY 4 tn Corporate: 70%, NRLS and REITs: over 10% each Investment grade: 80% Main corporate clients are high-rated conglomerates ◆ NPL ratio: 5% due to large borrowers, but the rest are of good asset quality *1 SMBC consolidated, calculated based on location of headquarters, managerial accounting basis Copyright © 2023 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group. All Rights Reserved. 44
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