G20 Development Working Group Submissions
In addition, the DWG has pioneered a further approach to outreach by working
with the Commonwealth Secretariat and Organization International de La
Francophonie (OIF) - two organizations with approximately 70 developing
country members.
Since the adoption of the MYAP, successive G20 Presidency Sherpas have
briefed the UN General Assembly twice a year on the priorities of their
presidency (including on development) ahead of G20 Leaders' Summits and
then on the outcomes.
Lastly, in 2013 the DWG has conducted specific outreach to engage LICs in the
new accountability process and seek their views on DWG's work. The results
and main findings of this consultation are presented at the end of this chapter.
Expanding outreach through invitations to DWG meetings and organizing
collective meetings with organizations that have large developing country
memberships, such as the Commonwealth and OIF, is helping the G20 to
better understand the perspectives of non-G20 members and the development
challenges confronting specific groups such as the smallest developing countries.
For G20 members, outreach efforts provide valuable channels for engagement
with non-members to identify development priorities and raise awareness about
the G20 development agenda, encouraging a collaborative approach.
For non-G20 developing countries, expanding outreach helps the G20 better
understand the development challenges they confront, highlights bottlenecks
to progress and fosters knowledge sharing including on best practices. By
influencing the DWG agenda, outreach also offers avenues for additional
practical solutions through collective international action.
Dominican Republic Case Study
Outreach Participants
n G20 DWG meetings
• United Arab Emirates
Singapore (3G)
Dominican Republic
· The Gambia
D.R. Congo
Ethiopia (AU Presidency)
Brunei (ASEAN Chair)
Singapore (3G)
After participating in the May 2013 DWG meeting, the Dominican Republic highlighted that DWG discussions had been relevant to
the development challenges it faces, including on issues such as facilitating the flow of international remittances, enhancing national employable
skills strategies, building trade capacities, enhancing access to markets, and supporting responsible value-adding private investment and job
creation. As part of the MYAP's Private Investment and Job Creation pillar, the Dominican Republic was one of the pilot country studies
undertaken by UNCTAD in collaboration with relevant IOs. An objective of the study was to provide policy advice on attracting private
investment and benefiting from it in specific economic sectors. In the Dominican Republic these sectors were tourism and IT-Business Process
Outsourcing (BPO). The outcomes of the pilot studies will serve as a guide to policymaking in the Dominican Republic.
The key findings in the tourism sector helped determine that there are longer-term opportunities to deepen links with the local
economy and move to higher value-added types of tourism. However, the quantitative indicators and comparators showed that the sector's
contributions in terms of value added (including local sourcing), employment generation, export generation, wages and fiscal revenues are in
line with or better than international comparisons/standards.
With regards to the IT Business process outsourcing (IT-BPO) sector, the quantitative indicators and comparators confirm that there
is significant potential for further contributions by the sector to add more value to exports, job creation and higher wages, among others. At the
same time, it also shows that while expanding to the high-value end of IT-BPO the entry-level activities should not be overlooked.
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