Investor Presentaiton
State Street to acquire Charles River Development (CRD)
Leading the industry evolution of investment servicing
One of the world's
leading investment
service providers
responsible for more
than 10% of the
world's assets¹
Premier provider of
management front
office solutions across
all asset classes for
portfolio management,
trading and compliance
Creates a powerful opportunity to provide an integrated front-to-back platform
office platform
in the industry²
Positions State Street as a premier provider of investment management software across asset classes
Allows State Street to address a new front office revenue opportunity at scale
Leverages State Street's established capabilities in front, middle and back office including data aggregation services
and analytics; platform's interoperability will enable clients to integrate their preferred providers
Investing in the future while reducing legacy costs.
CRD functionality automates the front office investment process for asset managers, improving operations and
controlling costs
Builds on the success of State Street Beacon's digitization program in the front-to-back office
Generates attractive long-term financial returns and a new growth avenue for shareholders
Purchase price of $2.6B
EPS accretion anticipated in 20203
Meaningful acceleration in overall State Street growth
Revenue synergies expected to contribute ~$80M of EBIT; cost synergies contribute ~$60M of EBIT^
Adds significant predictable revenue, which is ~85% recurringⓇ
IRR estimated at ~14% with anticipated cost synergies only; over 20% with revenue and cost synergies
A Assumes ~$260-280M in gross revenue synergies with delivery costs to achieve of -$180-200M. Please refer to endnotes 4 and 5 for additional details on revenue and
cost synergies, respectively.
Refer to the Appendix included with this presentation for endnotes 1 to 22.
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