FY 19-20 Budget Priorities Summary slide image

FY 19-20 Budget Priorities Summary

6-8 FORM F-REDUCING COST AND BURDEN TO BUSINESSES AND CITIZENS TITLE Provide a brief, descriptive title for this request. EXPECTED SAVINGS TO BUSINESSES AND CITIZENS FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH THE REQUEST What is the expected savings to South Carolina's businesses and citizens that is generated by this proposal? The savings could be related to time or money. Mark "X" for all that apply: Repeal or revision of regulations. Reduction of agency fees or fines to businesses or citizens. Greater efficiency in agency services or reduction in compliance burden. Other METHOD OF CALCULATION REDUCTION OF FEES OR FINES REDUCTION OF REGULATION Describe the method of calculation for determining the expected cost or time savings to businesses or citizens. Which fees or fines does the agency intend to reduce? What was the fine or fee revenue for the previous fiscal year? What was the associated program expenditure for the previous fiscal year? What is the enabling authority for the issuance of the fee or fine? Which regulations does the agency intend to amend or delete? What is the enabling authority for the regulation?
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