Cash Deployment Strategy & Value Creation slide image

Cash Deployment Strategy & Value Creation

No Presence INDIA GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES India will add $4.2 Trillion to its GDP by 2030 Sectors mapped to macrotrends Sector contribution to GDP growth ($ Bn) FY23 FY30 Consumer, lifestyle and eCommerce 740 +1185 1925 Presence in Sectors Agriculture solutions Manufacturing and capital goods Financial services Logistics and mobility 4 Green energy Technology solutions 11 Health and wellness 400 540 180 +280 460 140 +180 320 100 +120 220 55 +100 155 50 +60 110 +430 +415 830 955 Infrastructural development (Construction, Utilities, etc.) Others (Information & communication, Education, etc.) 235 +310 960 545 +1115 2075 Note: Others includes Information and communication ($132 Bn), Education ($115 Bn), Extraction ($33 Bn), Telecommunications ($26 Bn), Publishing and broadcasting activities ($7 Bn) Source: Oxford Economics 18
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