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Investor Presentaiton

Spa*ark Energy_9 LEMONT IS DIFFERENT To date, Australian geothermal targets have been mainly petrothermal plays; i.e., hot rocks with low permeability. Some good temperatures were obtained, but the difficulties in achieving viable flow rates were under-estimated: see figure. Lemont started as a conceptual play centred on the Tamar Fracture Zone, where high permeabilities and high. temperatures were anticipated. A good target was defined (see supplementary DATA slides), but for many of the reasons described by Geoscience Australia*, insufficient funds were available to drill it. Recent independent financial modelling by Rockwater Pty Ltd# suggests a likely net output of circa 6.5MW per well, after parasitic and pumping loads (or ~9MW if incorporating a hybrid heating scheme such as described in the previous slide). 270 260 * 201306/geothermal.jsp 250 # Preliminary Business Case for Electricity Generation from SPA*ARK Energy's Lemont Geothermal Prospect in Tasmania (Rockwater, 2018). 240 230 220 210 200 Resource Temperature Range of previous Australian projects 190 180 Rockwater modelling ---- ------- 30 M 28 MW 26 MW 24 MW 22 MW 20 MW 18 MW 16 MW 44 MW 12 MW 10 MW Target zone for Lemont 8MW per well IIIII&MW- 6MW per well 4 MW Power plant output, expressed here in MW per well, is a function of reservoir temperature and flow rate. Previous plays in Australia failed to achieve a viable flow rate (grey shaded area). Lemont is more akin to a conventional (albeit non-volcanic) hydrothermal play and much higher flow rates are anticipated (green shaded area). The 6MW dashed line illustrates the ~12% extra energy which would be required if Lemont was located in Central Australia. 170 160 150 T 140 80 degree rejection temperature 130 11 degree 120 ambient temperature 110 (C. Huddlestone-Holmes, pers comm.) 20 40 2MW 60 80 100 120 140 160 Flow Rate (kg/s)
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