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Investor Presentaiton

PEA Summary - Current Measured And Indicated Resources SRK PEA (May 2020): Measured and Indicated Resources(¹). CUT-OFF GRADE > RCV CUT-OFF CONTAINED METAL RCV(2) ($) Quantity MoS2 Cu (Mt) (%) (%) Ag RCV(2) Re (ppm) ($) (ppm) Mo S (%) (mmlbs) (mmlbs) Cu Ag (Moz) 2.5 2524.6 0.053 0.079 2.43 12.93 0.019 0.272 1604.3 3988.9 178.9 5.0 2269.6 0.057 0.084 2.5 13.98 0.021 0.264 1551.1 3812.9 165.5 7.5 1990.4 0.063 0.086 2.51 15.10 0.022 0.253 1503.5 3423.5 145.7 12.5 1278.6 0.079 0.087 2.46 18.17 0.029 0.232 1211.1 2224.8 91.7 15.0 993.9 0.088 0.087 2.43 19.58 0.032 0.227 1048.7 1729.5 70.4 17.5 701.4 0.098 0.083 2.33 21.16 0.036 0.221 824.1 1164.2 47.7 20.0 424.3 0.112 0.077 2.17 23.07 0.041 0.214 569.8 653.4 26.9 1. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. 2. RCV is the "Recoverable Metal Value" for the four primary economic metals: Mo oxide, Mo metal, Cu and Ag; PEA Assumptions were Mo oxide @$15/lb, Cu @$3/lb, and Ag @ 12.5/oz. © 2023 Idaho Copper Corp. All rights reserved. • IDAHO O COPPER One of the largest undeveloped copper projects in the US and the Americas. Believed to be the largest known undeveloped M&I primary molybdenum resources in the world with only ~60% of deposit drilled to date. At lowest reported PEA cutoff grade, contained metal in the Measured and Indicated Category is over 1.6 billion lb Mo, almost 4 billion lb Cu and 179 million oz Ag. Potentially one of the world's lowest-cost primary Mo mines and single largest yearly Mo producer. Projected average yearly production (2020 PEA): 43 Mn lb Mo; 84 Mn lb Cu, 3.57 Mn oz Ag. Ore contains Re and W which may be recoverable with further work. 12
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