Financial Performance Report Q1 2023 slide image

Financial Performance Report Q1 2023

Capital Adequacy Risk Weighted 1Q22 1Q23 Asset (RWA) YoY (%) • Total RWA 87,168 81,508 -6.5% •Total Capital Rp 17.2 tr (+Rp 2.3 Tr YoY) Total CAR at 21.1% (+399 bps YoY) bank bjb Credit Risk 64,127 70,989 +10.7% Addition to Net Impact to CAR Analysis Risk Weighting Operational Risk 14,787 6,704 -54.7% RWA/ Rp1tr Net Expansion CAR (%) Market Risk 8,255 3,815 -53.8% Consumer Loans 50% Rp 500bn 0.13 RWA/Total Asset 54.9% 49.3% -5.7% tier-1 11,629 13,070 +12.4% Micro Loans 75% Rp 750bn 0.19 tier -2 3,320 4,161 +25.3% Total Capital 14,949 17,231 +15.3% Commercial Loans 100% Rp 1tr 0.26 Tier-1 CAR 13.3% 16.0% +2.7% Mortgage Loans 40% Rp 400bn 0.10 Total CAR 17.1% 21.1% +4.0% 30
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