Healthcare Network P&L Statement and Expansion Projects slide image

Healthcare Network P&L Statement and Expansion Projects

MAX Healthcare Network P&L Statement: Q2 FY24 Gross revenue Net revenue Direct costs¹ Figs in INR Cr Q2 FY23 Q1 FY24 Q2 FY24 Amount % NR Amount % NR Amount % NR 1,567 1,719 1,827 1,482 100.0% 1,629 100.0% 1,732 100.0% 575 38.8% 650 39.9% 667 38.5% 907 61.2% 979 60.1% 1,065 61.5% 497 33.5% 543 33.3% 567 32.8% Contribution Indirect overheads² Operating EBITDA (post Ind AS-116) 410 27.7% 436 26.8% 497 28.7% ESOP (Equity-settled scheme) 5 0.4% 12 0.7% 12 0.7% Movement in fair value of contingent consideration payable and amortisation of contract assets³ 6 0.4% 7 0.4% 7 0.4% Reported EBITDA 399 26.9% 417 25.6% 478 27.6% Finance cost (net) 4 14 0.9% (3) (0.2%) (17) (1.0%) Depreciation and amortisation 64 4.3% 64 3.9% 66 3.8% Profit before tax 321 21.7% 356 21.9% 429 24.8% Tax5 (190) Profit after tax 511 (12.8%) 34.5% 66 4.0% 91 5.3% 291 17.8% 338 19.5% 1. 2. Direct costs are lower compared to Q1 FY24 due to increase in medical patients on account of seasonal vector borne diseases Increase in Indirect overheads over Q1 FY24 is mainly attributed to S&M costs for international patients and seasonal increase in power consumption 3. 4. This is a non-cash item representing change in fair value of contingent consideration payable to Trust / Society over the balance period (~20 to 31 years) under O&M Contracts and mainly represents impact of changes in the time value of discounted liability Net of interest income on deposits & tax refunds and includes forex gain / loss, etc. Movement compared with Q1 FY24 is attributed to cash flow from operations and interest capitalisation on projects underway 5. Effective tax rate in Q2 FY24 stood at 21.2%, compared to 18.4% in Q1 FY24, due to increase in medical service fees and O&M fees 23
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