ChildFund Brasil Sustainability Report slide image

ChildFund Brasil Sustainability Report

PRESENTATION MESSAGE FROM MANAGEMENT WHO WE ARE CORPORATE GOVERNANCE MARKETING AND MOBILIZATION OF RESOURCES CHILDREN'S RIGHTS Advocacy and child protection SOCIAL PROGRAMS HUMANITARIAN EMERGENCIES FINANCIAL STATEMENTS GRI SUMMARY her career. The executive director ar- Advocacy rived to add a strategic and experi- enced perspective, contributing to the construction of a Child Fund Brasil even more aligned with its purposes. ChildFund Brasil has also gained a new area: Business Development. Jairton Melo is in charge of its management. The sector, which already exists in sev- eral countries in the Child Fund Interna- tional network, will strategically handle fundraising from companies, institutes and foundations, following what has been happening in the world market. It will also be responsible for maintaining relations with sectors that can contrib- ute financially to the development of ChildFund Brasil's activities. Advocacy has been gaining momen- tum in Brazil and worldwide. The changes that have taken place in the management of Child Fund Brasil have provided a new strategic positioning for the organization, placing this topic as a feature focus for the coming years. This new perspective, which prioritizes incidence and political and social mobi- lization, will contribute to broaden our results. Further details about our advo- cacy actions can be found on page 28. 2021 GENERAL ASSEMBLY 1. Gilson Souto de Magalhães 2. Valseni José Pereira Braga 3. Rosber Neves Almeida 4. Guilherme Cólin de Soárez 5. Elisabete Waller Alves 6. Luiz Alexandre de Medeiros Araújo 7. Ami Ribeiro de Amorim 8. Alexandre Brenand 9. Ednilton Gomes de Soárez 10. Navantino Alves Filho 11. Geraldo Caliman 12. Herbert Borges Paes de Barros 13. Maria do Perpétuo Socorro França Pinto 14. João Bosco Fernandes Júnior 15. Othoniel Silva Martins 16. Rogério Magalhães 17. Maria Isabel Queiroz 18. David Ventura Braga 19. Sandro da Silva Melo 20. Mário Rene Lima 21. Karla Jeanny Falcão Carioca 22. Maria Joselma Mendonça de Holanda 1) Gilson Souto de Magalhães 2) Valseni José Pereira Braga 3) Luiz Alexandre de Medeiros Araújo 4) Rosber Neves Almeida 5) Guilherme Cólin de Soárez 6) Elisabete Waller Alves 2021 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chairman Vice Chairman 1st Treasurer 2nd Treasurer 1st Secretary 2nd Secretary MEMBERS ALTERNATES 2021 AUDIT BOARD 1) Rogério Magalhães 2) Alexandre Brenand 1) Ednilton Gomes de Soárez 2) Navantino Alves Filho 3) Maria Isabel Queiroz Brasil 28 ChŘldFund. . Sustainability Report KERS 29 29
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