Investor Presentaiton
This presentation has been prepared and issued by Nomad Foods Limited (the "Company"). This Presentation has been provided solely for information and background. The information in this Presentation is provided as at
the date of the Presentation (unless stated otherwise).
This Presentation does not constitute or form part of, and should not be construed as: (i) an offer, solicitation or invitation to subscribe for, sell or issue, underwrite or otherwise acquire any securities or financial instruments,
nor shall it, or the fact of its communication, form the basis of, or be relied upon in connection with, or act as any inducement to enter into any contract or commitment whatsoever with respect to such securities or financial
instruments; or (ii) any form of financial opinion, recommendation or investment advice with respect to any securities or financial instruments.
Certain statements and matters discussed in this Presentation may constitute forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and may be identified by words such as "aim",
"anticipate", "believe", "continue", "estimate", "expect", "intend", "may", "should", "strategy", "will" and words of similar meaning, including all matters that are not historical facts. This presentation includes forward-looking
statements related to expected 2017 financial results including revenue growth, cash flow generation, gross margin expansion; expected revenue from new product launches; expected opportunities to increase market share
from our captaincy strategy and from smaller competitors; expected growth in the frozen food market; the benefits of focusing on our core products; expected digital spend; the timing and impact of our investments in plant
protein; future opportunity to grow through e-commerce and hard discounters; to potential growth in grow frozen occasions; long-term opportunity to grow EBITDA margin; timing of net revenue management initiatives; and
expected closing, benefits and financial impact of the Goodfellas acquisition and our ability to meet our long-term revenue, margin, EDBITDA, leverage and cash flow growth objectives. The forward-looking statements in this
Presentation speak only as of the date hereof and are based upon various assumptions, many of which are based, in turn, upon further assumptions. Although the Company believes that these assumptions were reasonable
when made, these assumptions are inherently subject to significant known and unknown risks, uncertainties, contingencies such as economic conditions and increased competition; delays and lower than expected market
acceptance of new products; delayed digital spend; less than expected growth opportunities in e-commerce and hard discounters; longer than expected implementation of, or inability to recognize anticipated benefits from, net
revenue management, supply chain optimization and expense discipline initiatives; and a delay in closing, or termination of, the Goodfellas acquisition or less than anticipated related revenue growth or synergies, and other
important factors which are difficult or impossible to predict and are beyond its control. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors
that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Given these risks and uncertainties, prospective investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on
forward-looking statements.
Other than in accordance with its legal or regulatory obligations, the Company is not under any obligation and the Company and its affiliates expressly disclaim any intention, obligation or undertaking to update or revise any
forward looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. This Presentation shall not, under any circumstances, create any implication that there has been no change in the business or
affairs of the Company since the date of this Presentation or that the information contained herein is correct as at any time subsequent to its date. No statement in this Presentation is intended as a profit forecast or estimate.
Market and competitive position data in this Presentation has generally been obtained from industry publications and surveys or studies conducted by third-party sources. There are limitations with respect to the availability,
accuracy, completeness and comparability of such data. The Company has not independently verified such data, can provide no assurance of its accuracy or completeness and is not under any obligation to update, complete,
revise or keep current the information contained in this Presentation. Certain statements in this document regarding the market and competitive position data are based on the internal analyses of the Company, which involves
certain assumptions and estimates. These internal analyses have not been verified by any independent sources and there can be no assurance that the assumptions or estimates are accurate.
This Presentation includes certain additional key performance indicators which are considered non-IFRS financial measures including, updated guidance with respect to organic revenue growth, Adjusted EBITDA, Adjusted
EBITDA margin, Adjusted free cash flow, and adjusted free cash flow yield. Nomad Foods believe these non-IFRS financial measures provide an important alternative measure with which to monitor and evaluate the
Company's ongoing financial results, as well as to reflect its acquisitions. Nomad Foods' calculation of these financial measures may be different from the calculations used by other companies and comparability may
therefore be limited. You should not consider the Company's non-IFRS financial measures an alternative or substitute for the Company's reported results. The Company only provides guidance on a non-IFRS basis and does
not provide reconciliations of such forward-looking non-IFRS measures to IFRS due to the inherent difficulty in forecasting and quantifying certain amounts that are necessary for such reconciliations, including adjustments
that could be made for restructuring, integration and acquisition-related expenses, share-based compensation amounts, and other charges reflected in the Company's reconciliation of historic numbers, the amount of which,
based on historical experience, could be significant.
Nomad Foods
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