Q3FY20 Financials Presentation slide image

Q3FY20 Financials Presentation

Q3FY20 Financials 1200 Enterprise Performance Billing Revenue EBITDA PAT EBITDA Margin matrimony.com 35% 1000 800 600 600 400 200 855 853 18% 948 861 15% 923 955 881 18% 922 30% 919 900 25% LLLLL 20% 16% 15% 12% 10% 169 200 151 144 129 5% 111 93 67 71 78 56 0% 0 Q3FY19 Q4FY19 Q2FY20 Q3FY20 Q1FY20 Revenue growth of 5.6% YoY Note: Company has adopted Ind AS 116 "Leases" using full retrospective method. Consequently, Depreciation and Interest expenses are recognised in lieu of Rent expenses. As a result of transition, Comparatives has been restated and there is no significant impact to PAT In million 12
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