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Investor Presentaiton

Overview of Macquarie Operating Groups 1Q24 Update Outlook Appendix Diversification by region. Business mix Annuity-style activities¹ FY23 ~41% FY08 ~14% MAM ~23% BFS ~12% CGM ~6% AUM ง Employing people through managed funds assets and investments³ 0 Americas $A369.9b EMEA $A196.3b Asia $A47.2b Australia2 $A257.4b Locations Regional headquarters Americas ~55,000 people EMEA ~93,000 people Asia ~84,000 people Australia2 ~14,000 people New York International staff4 FY23 51% FY08 40% London Americas 16% EMEA 14% Asia 21% Figures presented as at 31 Mar 23. 1. Annuity-style income includes income derived from Macquarie Asset Management, Banking and Financial Services and certain business and activities of Commodities and Global Markets. Percentage split is based on FY23 net profit contribution from Operating Groups. 2. Includes New Zealand. 3. Includes people employed through Private Markets managed fund assets and investments where Macquarie Capital holds significant influence. 4. Headcount includes certain staff employed in operationally segregated subsidiaries. 5. International income includes income generated outside of Australia and New Zealand based on net operating income excluding earnings on capital and other corporate items. O Macquarie Group Limited Hong Kong Sydney International income5 FY23 71% FY08 57% Americas 38% EMEA 25% Asia 8% 9
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