Investor Presentaiton
Wildfire Risk Mitigation Plans
The California Public Utilities Commission conditionally approved PacifiCorp's 2021 Wildfire Mitigation
Plan Update in July 2021, subject to general requirements to provide a progress report in November
2021 and plan update in March 2022 and to continue describing advancements in risk modeling, risk
spend efficiency analysis and efforts to reduce the impacts of proactive de-energization
PacifiCorp conducted a Public Safety Power Shutoff August 17, 2021, in Siskiyou County, California,
triggered by wind and weather conditions meeting shutoff criteria; approximately 1,952 customers were
impacted, and all had power restored by early morning the following day
The Oregon Public Utility Commission (OPUC) began a series of workshops as part of a permanent
rulemaking in June 2021 to address wildfire risk analysis, public safety power shutoffs, community
engagement, vegetation management and system hardening and operations; cost analysis will also be
addressed after scoping utility investments and operations
The Oregon Legislature passed comprehensive wildfire legislation, Senate Bill 762, including
provisions relating to the development and approval of wildfire mitigation plans to establish standards
and procedures for mitigating the risk of catastrophic wildfires; the company will be required to file a
risk-based wildfire protection plan for approval with the OPUC no later than December 31, 2021
PacifiCorp submitted its first annual wildland fire cost and compliance report in Utah, which describes
the actions taken by PacifiCorp to execute the Wildland Fire Protection Plan approved by the Utah
Public Service Commission in 2020, actual costs incurred to execute the plan and updates to forecast
costs for 2021 through 2026; acknowledgment that the company's report complied with the
requirements of the rules was issued by the commission in July 2021
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