Investor Presentaiton
consider appropriate. The Corporation shall ensure that funding is available to the Audit Committee in
respect of the aforementioned activities.
Report regularly to the Board in writing on the activities, findings and conclusions of the Audit Committee.
Review this Charter on an annual basis and recommend to the Board any changes to it that the Audit
Committee considers advisable.
Complete a self-assessment annually to determine how effectively the Audit Committee is meeting its
Perform such other functions as may be delegated from time to time by the Board.
Review the process for the rotation of the lead audit partner, the concurring partner and any other audit
engagement team partner.
Set policies for the hiring of employees or former employees of the Corporation's external auditors.
Pension Plans
In relation to the Corporation's pension plans, the Audit Committee shall:
On the recommendation of the Chief Financial Officer, approve the investment structure for the
plans, any applicable Statement of Investment Policies and Objectives ("SIP&O"), Statement of
Investment Principles and Beliefs ("SIP&B") and other investment policies for the plans;
With the assistance of the Chief Financial Officer, periodically review for appropriateness of the
pension funds mission, funding policy, SIP&O, SIP&B, other investment policies and investment
structure, and monitor overall pension funds operation, in particular plans funded status,
compliance of funding practices with funding policy, compliance of investments with the SIP&O
and as applicable, the compliance of SIP&O with the investment principles and beliefs as set out
in the SIP&B;
With the assistance of the Chief Financial Officer, periodically review and monitor the total and
asset class return for the defined benefit pension plans, and the investment matters relating to the
defined contribution plans;
Recommend to the Board for its approval the mission for the pension funds, the funding policy,
the level of annual contributions, the appointment of the external auditor and the custodians of the
assets of the pension plans;
Approve the actuary and consultant recommended by management;
On the recommendation of management, accept the actuarial assumptions and actuarial valuation
reports for the pension plans; and
Approve the annual audited financial statements and the pension accounting for the pension plans.View entire presentation