Economic Backdrop and Financial Performance Objectives slide image

Economic Backdrop and Financial Performance Objectives

Glossary Assets under administration (AUA): Assets administered by us, which are beneficially owned by clients. Services provided in respect of assets under administration are of an administrative nature, including safekeeping, collecting investment income, settling purchase and sale transactions, and record keeping. Assets under management (AUM): Assets managed by us, which are beneficially owned by clients. Services provided in respect of assets under management include the selection of investments and the provision of investment advice. We have assets under management that are also administered by us and included in assets under administration. Average balances (assets, loans and acceptances, deposits, risk capital etc.): " Calculated using methods intended to approximate the average of the daily balances for the period, as applicable. Average earning assets, net: " Average earning assets include interest-bearing deposits with other banks, securities, net of applicable allowance, assets purchased under reverse repurchase agreements and securities borrowed, loans, net of allowance, cash collateral and margin deposits. Insurance assets, and all other assets not specified are excluded. The averages are based on the daily balances for the period. Book value per share (BVPS): Calculated as common equity divided by the number of common shares outstanding at the end of the period. Common equity tier 1 (CET1) ratio: ■ A risk-based capital measure calculated as CET1 capital divided by risk-weighted assets. CET1 capital is a regulatory Basel III capital measure comprised mainly of common shareholders' equity less regulatory deductions and adjustments for goodwill and intangibles, defined benefit pension fund assets, shortfall in allowances and other specified items. Dividend payout ratio: Common dividends as a percentage of net income available to common shareholders. Efficiency ratio: " Non-interest expense divided by total revenue. Leverage ratio: " A Basel III regulatory measure, the ratio divides Tier 1 capital by the sum of total assets plus specified off-balance sheet items. Tier 1 capital comprises predominantly of CET1 capital, with additional Tier 1 items such as preferred shares, limited recourse capital notes and non-controlling interests in subsidiaries Tier 1 instruments. The leverage ratio is a non-risk based measure. Liquidity coverage ratio (LCR): " The Liquidity Coverage Ratio is a Basel III metric designed to ensure banks hold a sufficient reserve of high-quality liquidity assets to allow them to service a period of significant liquidity stress lasting 30 calendar days. 58 | APPENDIX RBC
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