Investor Presentaiton
Attract investment into agro-food processing industry (I/II)
Initiative objective
Improve attractiveness of various segments of agribusiness value chain to investors
A.4.1 Identify target investors (Private sector organisations, NGOs, Fls etc.) with
regional ambition. For example:
Grand cereal: Manufactures of cereals, animal feed etc.
Pioneer milling company: Mills and processes brewing raw materials
NASCO - manufactures cereals, detergents etc. (FMCG Co.)
Initiative Lead
A.4.1, A.4.3, Ministry of Agriculture
A.4.2, A.4.4 Ministry of Commerce and Investment
Recommended timeline
List of target investors for each action
2 months
A.4.2 Market new incentives to target investors to consider entry/further
investment in Plateau state (see long list of incentives in initiative 2)
Create a promotion plan for agro-food processing industry for Potatoes, Yam and
Maize. (Market Plateau state as the Agro-hub)
A.4.3 Build up infrastructure to improve access to supply
Confirm viability of locations for agro-hub(s) to improve market access to
farmers and processing companies; Develop a business plan and submit to
Ministry of Agriculture and World Bank for approval
Release counterparty funding to World Bank investment proposal on Agro-hub
development ($4.8m - 8% of the required $60m cost)
Prioritize basic infrastructure connectivity such as power supply and road for
extension to agro-hubs
Push/lobby federal government to develop railway networks
Build up special area with adequate security for residential and commercial
activities, where processing plants can be set up and its employees can live
Build agro-hubs, logistic/truck terminals, storage and freezing facilities
especially near major agro-hub through PPPs (Tripartite agreements between
Private org., Government & Farmers) - See initiative E1
Marketing campaign to attract investors
rolled out
Locations for hubs validated; Business plan
developed and approved
Funding to meet conditions of World Bank
investment acquired
List of priority infrastructure
developments to support agro-hub
Storage and freezing facilities built in
strategic locations close to districts
4 months
6-12 months
6 months
24-36 months
Potential quick-win
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