ANNUAL REPORT 2021-22 slide image


30 ANNUAL REPORT 2021-22 ANNUAL REPORT 2021-22 Subsequent events In July 2022, the Directors declared a final dividend of $8.47 million payable by 24 November 2022 (2021: $5.43 million). Aside from the dividend declaration, there has been no item, transaction or event of a material and unusual nature which has arisen since 30 June 2022 that is likely to significantly affect the operations, the results of those operations or the state of affairs of the Corporation in future financial years. Indemnification and insurance of directors and officers INDEMNIFICATION The Northern Territory Government has indemnified the directors of the Corporation from and against all liabilities incurred or arising out of conduct as a director of the Corporation, acting in good faith in compliance with any direction or request made by the Shareholding Minister or the Portfolio Minister of the Corporation or the Board of the Corporation pursuant to the Deed of Indemnity executed by the Northern Territory Government. The Corporation has, subject to the prohibition in the Government Owned Corporations Act 2001, provided an indemnity to the directors of the Corporation from and against civil liability unless the liability arises out of conduct involving a lack of good faith. Liability for costs and expenses incurred by the directors in defending a proceeding, whether civil or criminal, is covered by the Corporation where judgement is given in favour of the directors or the directors are acquitted. INSURANCE PREMIUMS The following insurance policies were purchased to cover the directors and officers of the Corporation: Rounding off Amounts in the financial report have been rounded to the nearest thousand dollars, unless otherwise stated. This report is made in accordance with a resolution of directors. Dated at Darwin this 27th day of September 2022. DENNIS BREE Chair Directors' declaration In the opinion of the directors of the Corporation: (a) The financial statements and notes of the Corporation are in accordance with the Government Owned Corporations Act 2001, including: (i) giving a true and fair view of the financial position of the Corporation as at 30 June 2022 and of its performance for the year ended on that date; and (ii) complying with Australian Accounting Standards. (b) There are reasonable grounds to believe that the Corporation will be able to pay its debts as and when they become due and payable. This declaration is made in accordance with a resolution of the directors. Dated at Darwin this 27th day of September 2022. MR DENNIS BREE Chair • Personal Accident Insurance • Directors' and Officers' Liability" 31
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