Investor Presentaiton
Reconciliation of 1P PV-10 and PDP PV-10
(non-GAAP financial measures)
in thousands)
Standardized measure
Plus: Federal income taxes, discounted at 10%
1P PV-10 (non-GAAP)
(Less): Proved developed non-producing PV-10
(Less): Proved undeveloped PV-10
PDP PV-10 (non-GAAP)
Vitesse Energy, LLC
Vitesse Oil, LLC
Note: The above tables reconcile certain Vitesse Energy, LLC and Vitesse Oil, LLC non-GAAP financial information to their respective U.S. GAAP measures. Vitesse believes that the disclosed non-GAAP measures
and any adjustments thereto, when presented in conjunction with comparable U.S. GAAP measures are useful to investors as they enable investors to evaluate Vitesse results through the eyes of management. These
measures should not be considered a substitute for, or superior to, measures of financial performance prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP.
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