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Investor Presentaiton

IJMS INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL of MEDICAL STUDENTS II COIMAMA S20 Abstracts Abstracts likely to atrophy of the frontal lobes. The Case: The patient is the third daughter of cesarean delivery of a young mother, single, white race held two consultations in prenatal care, with no family history of genetic disorders, with no history of tobacco use and alcohol. The child was born with 3090 g with Apgar score of 4 in the 1st minute of 7 at 5 minutes and 10 minutes. With head circumference of 37, 31 and girth of waist circumference of 35 presented oligohydramnios, required resuscitation and made use of nasal CPAP. On examination the patient macrocrania, prominent and broad forehead, flattened face and narrow chest, abdominal bulging, upper and lower short and pulmonary hypoplasia. Held transfontanellar ultrasound likely to atrophy of the frontal lobes. Conclusion: The diagnosis of Thana- tophoric dysplasia is based on physical examination and radiologic studies. As the disease caused by mutations in the FGFR3 gene. Most individuals with the disease do not survive to adulthood, minimizing the risk of recurrence. In the case of this study, the diagnosis of dys- plasia Thanatophoric was specified in the postnatal period through physical examination of ultrasound evidence. The patient underwent a gastrostomy, to nurture it and evolves with wound infection, being hospitalized and being released with clinical improvement. 16 Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum: Case Report Israel Amâncio Mendes; Maria De Jesus Torres Pacheco; Mônica Da Cunha Machado Resende; Tárcia Heliny Nojoza; Talyta Garcia Da Silva; Rayanne Layla Morgado Fonseca Introduction: The corpus callosum the greatest inter-hemispheric commissures is formed by a large number of myelinated fibers that cross the mid sagittal plane and penetrate on either side of the spi- nal cord white center of the brain, symmetrical joining areas of the cerebral cortex from each hemisphere. Your training begins around the 12th week of pregnancy and it is fully developed between the 18th and 20th weeks of intrauterine life. Their injuries determine the incidence of mental illness, characterized by apathy, poverty of thought and movements, loss of memory for recent events, chan- ges in character (irritability, mood versatility, distrust), deficit of vo- luntary and spontaneous attention and great mental fatigue. The estimated prevalence of agenesis of the corpus callosum is 1% of the population. The Case: Child Female, 18 months, weighing 13 kg, living in São Luís, accompanied by mother attended the pediatric cli- nic at Children's Hospital Dr. Juvêncio Matos in São Luís. - Maranhão. Mothers' reports that had the diagnosis of agenesis of the corpus callosum-ACC body shown in US Gestational. After birth were per- formed MRI and CT scan which confirmed the diagnosis of ACC and electroencephalogram that was normal, also having a normal de- velopment. The same makes use of anticonvulsant (phenobarbital) and follow up with a neurologist and endocrinologist. Conclusion: The agenesis of the corpus callosum may be associated with genetic syndromes, chromosomal abnormalities or other malformations of the central nervous system and extra central nervous system, which are poor prognostic factors. The estimated patient in the case report does not show abnormalities in their development, presented a sei- zure, now treated with anticonvulsant in their neurological examina- tions did not show any abnormality, however this condition is rare. It is observed that there is a lot of research that might corroborate for greater understanding of this disease. It is understood that these changes occur in 3 out of every 1,000 live births, accounting for 75% of fetal deaths and about 50% of birth defects. 17 Stage in an Institution for Elderly Long Stay: An Experience Report Claudineide Alves Dos Santos; Olga De Jesus Ferreira Sales Introduction: The compulsory training is a tool aimed at the impro- vement of future professionals, aligning theory and practice under the technical supervision and teaching orientation. The stage was developed in an Institution for Elderly Long Stay. The objective of the institution is the accommodating of the elderly who are socially vulnerable prioritizing care biopsychosocial. The Social Psychology understands man as a subject which is designed in respect of its history with that of their society, or at the meeting point of its own history with the history of the world around him. The Experience: The experiment was carried out in Solar do Outono an Institution for Elderly Long Stay of São Luis-Ma, through observation and inter- vention with the institutionalized elderly and non-institutionalized. Observation is a time when the trainee experiences her first contact integration in the institution, which is embraced by the host phase and intervention planning. By acting with institutionalized elderly it was possible to perform the following activities: anamnesis; esta- blishment of therapeutic bond; therapeutic activity with cognitive stimulation; development and implementation of therapeutic acti- vity using music and socializing. The non-institutionalized elderly are community residents who participate in the social group, held weekly in the Institution for Elderly Long Stay. It was possible to work next to them: lectures and application of therapeutic activity working self-esteem and self-worth through a group dynamic te- chnique. One of the aspects observed was the need to think of di- fferent psychological interventions for institutionalized elderly and non-institutionalized. Conclusion: The knowledge acquired in stage required a critical and reflexive posture, free from prejudice and wi- lling to new construction. In this sense, it emphasized that the case of old age requires new adaptation modes, leaving the stereotypical look contributing to the redefinition of the elderly. It is important to highlight that interventions happened from listening in order to rescue the elderly in the construction of its unique history, bringing them the awareness of their own subjectivity. 18 Experiences and Internships inside SUS reality: A Transdisci- plinary Look Andrey Salgado Moraes Filho, Vanessa Sammer, Nathália Rabelo, Raissa Neruza Alves, Guilherme Araújo Rayol Introduction: The Unique Health System (SUS) comes out with an universal, equitable and integrated proposal, confronting a model which was fated to fail a long time ago, an unequal model, verti- calized and raised into an essentially sanative nature. Against such perspective, the VER-SUS (Experience and Internships Inside the SUS Reality) sets up as a device that allows the attendees to experience new challenges of SUS's substantiation and its principles of daily health services. According to that, transdisciplinarity materializes itself as a vital variable during the process, once the interaction between the subjects is important, promoting the dialog and the in- terdependency between different professionals. The Experience: The experience happened during July 16th and 23rd of the current year, being immersed 43 participants and 07 mediators between students and professionals of several fields - Medicine, Psychology, Nursing, Odontology, Speech Therapy, Nutrition and Social Service which enabled the comprehension about the essentiality upon existence of a transdisciplinary team in the process of promoting health. The at- tendees were split in two kinds of groups, Base Nucleus (BN) in order to discuss subjects such as: humanization, constitutional aspects about SUS, clinical cases; and the Living Groups (LG) for visiting. During the immersion time, the participants faced the health ser- vices network operation, problematizing several dimensions of the health/disease process and, mainly, getting your degrees away from the fragmentation of knowledge in disciplinary fields increasingly limited. It was possible to understand the system organization, your policies and programs which implied in the acknowledgement of transdisciplinarity as a needful tool to the multiple care dimensions. Conclusion: The VER-SUS fulfilled a primordial role to the construc- tion of the participants as transformation agents of Unique Health Service reality. The experiences inside the health service improved the understanding about activities which behoove to a transdiscipli- nary team, and the substantiality of its existence in the process of health promotion, establishing a knowledge exchange inside their fields. According to that, it was possible to contrast that SUS count with many services interconnected which provide the full care of the patient. 19 Professionals' Knowledge that are responsible by the Guthrie Test in the city of Araguaína - TO: A Search Realized in some Health Care Units Josué Moura Telles Introduction: The Guthrie test screens for the following rare and se- rious conditions. It's an examen where blood samples are bloated and dried on filter paper. It facilitates the detection of chronic di- seases in children, like sickle cell disease, cystic fibrosis, congenital hypothyroidism and inherited metabolic diseases. In this way, it's possible the prevention of ill-health, reduction of disability and re- duction of mortality in babies with screened conditions. Objectives: To present and analyze the professionals' knowledge that are res- ponsible by the screening blood spot test in Araguaína - TO about this examen and the technique utilized. Methods: It's an exploratory and descriptive study in that was used investigative methods, it had been realized in health care units in the city of Araguaína that make the Guthrie test. It were done semi structured interviews with this professionals. After the collect, the informations were tabulated and analysed like the descriptive statistics. Results: The study was done with 12 professionals in differents health care units, everyone was female with average age of 39 years old. From this total, 80% were nursing technician and 20% nursing auxiliaries. The search shows that only 66,7% from the total of interviewed knows that majority of diseases diagnosed by the bloodspot test are hereditary, although 83,35% don't know these diseases list. It was observed that the- se professionals has an insufficient knowledge about the screening blood spot test, making impossible the right orientation of parents during the realization of examen, for example. Therefore, it's evident that the non-qualification can be represent harm to the attendance of families and to the quality of realization of Guthrie test. Conclu- sion: The analysis of contents reveals that the professionals res- ponsibilities by the Guthrie had poor informations about that. It's necessary that they know basics aspects of Screening Blood Spot test like the diseases screened and about the hereditarian. So that, this screening test be more and more improved like important estrategic of public health. 20 Hyde Prurigo Nodularis: A Case Report Brunna de Sousa Silva; Rafaelly Luz Mendes; Maylla Moura Araújo; Teodoro Bernardes de Lima Neto; Danielly Luz Men- des; Analexia de Arêa Leão Brito Introduction: Hyde described a rare and incurable idiopathic erup- tion, characterized by numerous persistent nodules mainly affecting the extensor surface of the arms and legs of women, calling them- selves Prurigo Nodularis (PN). To clarify the clinical signs, symptoms, diagnosis and therapeutic managements of a rare disease in clinical practice of health professionals. The Case: C. O., 55 years old, male, was admitted to the Dermatology Service in May 2014, complaining of itchy lesions that began in the lower limbs spreading to the upper limbs, dorsal and sacral region, an increase of five years. On physical examination, it was found violaceous papules, coalescing to form plaques with hypochromic central depression, some excoriated in the affected regions. There was a biopsy of abdominal injury, which was evidenced by histopathological, psoriasiform dermatitis excoria- ted with superficial perivascular infiltrate and focal pseudoepithe- liomatous hyperplasia. Started topical treatment with high-potency corticosteroid (halobetasol) and vigorous hydration, with slight im- provement. After thirty days, the patient was referred for photothe- rapy, as it was not possible to perform the treatment with thalidomi- de. The clinical outcome could not be observed, because the patient did not respond to treatment. Conclusion: Hyde Prurigo Nodularis is a rare disease of unknown cause, most common in middle-aged women. There are several treatments cited in the literature, but none proved totally effective. 21 Gastrectomy: Infection Rate in 60 Post-Surgery Patients Alana Vitória Sousa Gonçalves; Lucas Luís Sousa Véras; Mar- celo Emanuel Ericeira da Costa; Ozimo Pereira Gama Filho; Diego Henrique de Carvalho Rodrigues; Danielly de Oliveira Gonçalves Introduction: In the context of hospital infections (HI), the Surgical Area Infection (SAI) has been identified as one of the most important spots of infection, leading to an average increase of 60.0% during hospitalization, in addition to requiring large efforts to prevent them. The surgical area infection is the most important cause of post-sur- gery complications in surgical patients. Center statistics for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicate that 14-16% of hospital infec- tions are attributed to surgical spots infections, fact that is added to significant costs related to health care due to complications of these infections. The SAI is a relevant complication, by contributing to increase mortality and morbidity of post-surgical patients causing physical and emotional damage as work abandone and social life. In addition, increases the cost of treatment significantly, also reflec- ting on a longer hospital stay. Objectives: To analyze patients who underwent gastrectomy who developed surgical site infection in a general hospital in São Luis MA and characterize the profile of pa- tients undergoing gastrectomy, identifying the frequency of surgical site infection in the analyzed sample and the correlation factor risk associated with the patient and the surgical procedure. Methods: A retrospective study through information contained in the medical records of patients undergoing elective gastrectomy from January to December of 2014 in a general hospital in São Luis. This study was not analyzed by the Ethics Committee of the Ceuma University. Results: In 60 cases investigated were found to be the occurrence of surgical site infection in 5 cases (8.3%), which found that 60% were classified as superficial incisional infection; 40% deep incisional and regarding the classification organ/cavity. Conclusion: This study's re- sults offer to hospital infection control professionals a new outlook for the continuing efforts of lower risk index for patients undergoing gastrectomy. 22 Epidemiological Study of Patients Appendectomized in a High Complexity Hospital Alana Vitória Sousa Gonçalves; Lucas Luís Sousa Véras; Ozi- mo Pereira Gama Filho; Danielly de Oliveira Gonçalves; Diego Henrique de Carvalho Rodrigues; Brenda Lima Costa Introduction: Acute appendicitis is the most common surgical emer- gency in our country. Treatment of acute appendicitis is surgery and should be done as soon as the diagnosis is established. Diagnosis and early surgical treatment directly influence the prognosis of this disease. Objectives: To know epidemiological profile, clinical behavior in acute appendicitis and surgical measures in adults undergoing ap- pendectomies. Methods: Retrospective study, cross-sectional, des- criptive and quantitative analysis, analising medical records of 87 patients under appendectomies, assisted in a high complexity public hospital in the state of Maranhão, in the period between July 2014 to January 2015. Results: The numbers on Chart 1 show that in ap- pendectomized patients during the study period, there was a higher prevalence of males (71.1%) compared to females (28.8%), aged 41- 50 years (30 7%) and white (43.5%). Chart 2 in relation to clinical and surgical variables, there was a higher percentage of symptomatic patients in the preoperative time (97.2%), and higher prevalence, on adopted technique, the appendectomy by laparotomy (60%) over the laparoscopic way (39.9%). This chart also shows that the vast majori- ty of patients did not evolve with complications even preoperatively (92.2%) or postoperative (95.8%) and among all kinds of incision, the predominantly found incision was laparoscopy (39.9%) and among the incisions for open appendectomies, the most used was the McBurney. Conclusion: We conclude that during the analyzed period, in a high complexity public hospital of Maranhão, appendectomies were performed more frequently in males and those aged between 41 and 50 years and whites. Within the clinical profile, most of the patients were symptomatic before surgery and no complications be- fore or after surgery. Among the conventional appendectomies, the most commonly used incision was the classical McBurney incision. 23 Elderly Patients with HIV/AIDS: Characteristics of the Epide- mic in the State of Ceará Antonio Joatan de Barros Filho; David de Alencar Correia Maia; Izolda Souza Costa; Jéssica Araújo Vasconcelos Maia; José Osmar Vasconcelos Filho; Sueli de Souza Costa Introduction: In Brazil, the rate of growth of the elderly population follows the global trend, accompanied by socio-cultural change in attitudes to sexuality and aging. The weakness in the elderly, ac- INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL of MEDICAL STUDENTS • 2015 Vol 3 Suppl 1 • 2015 Vol 3 Suppl 1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL of MEDICAL STUDENTS II COIMAMA S21
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