Sustainability Report 2021 Vivara slide image

Sustainability Report 2021 Vivara

50 Communities 103-2 103-3 | 203-1 | 413-1 We know that our responsibility goes be- Partnerships yond the boundaries of our operations. Therefore, we strive to act as agents for promoting good practices and projects that can bring about positive changes in society. Dedicating a portion of our resources to social projects is part of our institutional culture and, in line with the structure of our Vision of the Future for Sustainability established in 2021, we are now more strategically linked to these activities. We organize donations and also cam- paigns that involve our customers, seek- ing to raise their awareness about social causes through specific products. Thus, by interweaving social and en- vironmental responsibility with wom- en's empowerment topics, we have strengthened activities for valuing women and diversity, which are already very present in our engagement cam- paigns. Projects are picked according to our corporate purposes, and the do- nation counterparts are defined in the negotiation. These items, which are agreed upon in a contract, are moni- tored for the correct implementation of the projects, which are also assessed by spontaneous media metrics. Free Free: institute and platform work- ing for the emotional, financial and physical freedom of girls and women. During the campaign, which allocat- ed part of the proceeds from the sale of selected Life by Vivara jewelry in March, six women were invited to tell their life and career stories, describing the feelings that have become their greatest strength. Make-A-Wish Brasil: we have launched another unique bracelet in support of our mission to raise funds to bring hope, strength, and joy to children and young people with serious illnesses. For each jewel sold, R$100 is donated to Make- A-Wish Brasil. The collection Palavras Preciosas (Precious Words), with cus- tomizable and giftable books produced in partnership with MOL Publishers, also donates the sales proceeds to the entity. Transforma Brasil: aware of the needs of the communities where we operate, at the beginning of the year we provided support to the people of Manaus, who faced a serious crisis due to Covid-19. Together with the voluntary movement Transforma Brasil (Transforming Brazil), we donated an amount equivalent to 250 ten-liter cylinders of oxygen to the popu- lation of the Amazon capital. Instituto Quimioterapia e Beleza: project that has become a reference to women facing the diagnosis and treatment of sev- eral types of cancer, with information about beauty, self-esteem and well-being. Ampara Animal: NGO honored by the Life Pets line since 2017 - in 2022 we will ex- pand the campaign with the participation of the organization's president in the campaign and the release of images of the animals at the shelter, which may even be adopted due to the expanded reach. Tax-incentive sponsored projects We contribute to the development of com- munities through actions under incentive laws. In 2021, we negotiated projects to be implemented in 2022, if the federal govern- ment does not delay the release of the re- sources again, as it happened in 2021 due to the pandemic. Contemporâneas Vivara: created in 2020, the project recognizes the power of art and poetry on the streets, with murals and in- stallations produced by women artists, and includes training activities targeting processes of reflection, creation, and the implementation of projects organized and led by women. The idea is to extend the activities, initially carried out in São Paulo, to other parts of the country, increasing the connection with the communities and valuing Brazilian cultural production. Mempodera: national non-profit association that, through sports as an educational tool, promotes the empowerment of girls and young women and the reduction of harmful stereotypes and gender-based violence. Grupo de Educação e Estudos Oncológi- co (Geeon): the expansion of diagnostic and outpatient care for elderly women will allow the development of breast cancer prevention activities. Fundação Amazônia Sustentável: integral development program for children and teenagers in riverside communities and urban and peripheral neighborhoods in the municipalities of the state of Amazonas. As well as adding value to the forest and its biodiversity, the initiative improves the communities' quality of life. Chá Tecnológico: initiative that promotes digital inclusion of the elderly population, through training and access to digital technologies and the internet, prioritiz- ing the underprivileged population of the state of Ceará. SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2021 VIVARA TODO QUE E-MEILT MAITA E MACILME SOU GALAXIA VICE JA CONTA DE QUE SOM S INFINITAS? SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2021 VIVARA 51
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